You are a chosen generation - Third part

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(Third part) 

Memory verse (1Cor6: 20): " For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s ".

When you go in a storehouse or a supermarket and buy any commodity, after paying the full price for it and your receive a receipt for it, it becomes your property. As long as you have paid for it and hold a receipt for it, it is legally yours; no one in the whole world can claim it. God bought you and me with the precious blood of his son Jesus Christ two thousand years ago (1Pet1: 18-19). Jesus still carries the scars as the receipts to prove that payment was made (Jn20: 27-29). And God’s blood bought saints and they are already sealed with the Holy Spirit (Eph1: 13) and you are set apart for God. You have been transferred from the dominion of darkness and placed into his kingdom (col1: 13).

So you are God’s property. You don’t belong to yourself, you don’t belong to the world, you don’t belong to Satan, and you are God’s own treasure.

With this knowledge my brother and sister, devils can find no claim against you. Paul would confidently ask, who could condemn us? If we are God’s possession then who can be against us? If you are God’s possession then who can possess you? You are God’s temple, then what demon can dispossess God’s Spirit and possess you unless you open yourself to the enemy again.

You just need to stay in the Lord’s hand; Jesus said that if you stay their nothing would take you out of his hand. Stay in God’s house, stay as precious treasure of God. In him we live, move and have our being, (Acts17: 28), stay in him be grounded and rooted in him (Col2: 6), seek him and walk with him, stay connected in him, he is the vine and you’re the branches.

Don’t allow yourself to be stolen from God’s fellowship by the enemy of your soul, don’t allow this world and the lust thereof to seduce you and pull out of fellowship with your father. Don’t let the trials and persecutions that make fun of your salvation to fool you to lose your salvation. You are God’s, so stay God’s forever. Celebrate who you are in God all the time. There is nothing in the world that compare to being God’s own child, possession, and treasure. That’s all you ever needed in life. That is what brings joy, peace and fulfillment. It's not what God gives to you or makes you, it's who you are in God that is everything ! You are special because you are God’s blessing.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ You are God’s precious treasure ”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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