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Let’s conform to what is written in the book of God

Let’s conform to what is written in the book of God

The bible says in Psalms 139: 15-16 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book they ALL were written the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them”

This passage is very impressive because it reminds us that God knew us before our birth. Not only he knew but he has a book in which is registered every day that we are destined until none exist! The same bible says that God has plans of happiness and not misery for us (Jeremiah 29: 11). In other words, in the book of God there are good things for us but the problem is that each human being has his own book in which multiple pages are not consistent with the content of the book of God. Therefore let us cease to fight for the realization of the contents of our book but seek rather, the realization of what is in the book of God because even the problems that are in the book of God are for our good.

Have a great day

 Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)