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Word of wisdom, Let God do the job

Word of wisdom, Let God do the job

Very often we block the hand of God because of our reasoning. When we are in a dangerous situation or in a serious need, we pray and ask for God’s help but the problem is that we always tend to help God. We need to understand that God does not need our help in anything but He needs our obedience and our total trust.

Yes there are certain things we need to do but we need to keep in our mind that we do it because He gave us the ability to do it.

After we’ve done what we were supposed to do and we submitted the request in prayer, we MUST let Him do the job. Here is the best way to let Him do the job: We need to totally TRUST Him while waiting. If we keep reasoning about how it will be done based on what we see, we block His mighty hand.

Don’t give a room to any kind of doubt….just trust Him and listen to what He will say about His will. Do what you can and let Him do what you cannot. God’s work will be based on your attitude while waiting for the reply. Are you complaining? Are you desperate? Are you wondering how He will do it or how you can help Him? Or you just did you part and you thank Him for the work He is doing in the invisible world?

He loves you and He is faithful. Let Him do the job and keep thanking Him.



Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)