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What kind of seed do you sow?

What kind of seed do you sow?

Naturally, we all desire to reap the best fruits in life…we want to get the best service everywhere we go, we want everybody (our wives / husbands, relatives, friends…) to be nice with us and we are often frustrated when they don’t act according to our expectation.

Before we blame anyone, we should FIRST wonder whether the problem is not on our side. If you are bad with everybody, why do you expect everybody to be nice with you? If you are selfish and you don’t care when you hear a brother or a friend is in trouble, why do you expect people to rush and show compassion to you when you are in trouble? Don’t try to force your wife to love and honor you if you don’t sow a seed of love in her heart. Don’t force your children to love and obey you if you don’t sow a seed of love, responsibility and attention.

Here is God’s principle: we always reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). A farmer will never expect to reap mangoes if he sowed oranges.

Jesus made a clear statement when He was with His disciples by encouraging them to do to others what they would have them do for them. Every action must have consequences whether we like it or not. It’s all about the nature of the seed.

Some of the hard times we live are the consequences of our mistakes or our parents’ mistakes or our elders but for every mistake someone will have to face the consequences. If you love your children and your grandchildren, sow the best seed in your society by doing what’s good everywhere you go and allow Jesus-Christ to be the center or the foundation of your life. Some bad seeds have short time consequences but there are others that have lifetime consequences…SO BE CAREFUL!

Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)