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How big is your God?

How big is your God?

Verse of the day: “I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving” (Psalms 69:30)

The verse of the day is a bomb against the devil's camp because if all God's children could understand and put it into practice, many of the world's problems would be solved.

David the Psalmist said that he praises the name of God with a song but he magnifies Him with thanksgiving. The word of the day is based on the word "Magnify". I was curious and I consulted the Hebrew source of this verse and found that the word “Magnify” is translated from the word "Gadal" which means, making great, large or excellent, to exalt or to promote.
I then wondered how David could make big or powerful his God as we all know that He is naturally big and powerful! Yes it is true that the Lord is great and powerful but the big question is whether He is really great and powerful in your life?

It’s all about your faith and how you conceive God in your life and it will be manifested through your prayers and your conversations. David says he magnifies the Lord with thanksgiving. This simply means that when we praise and give thanks to the Lord, we open the door for Him to become great and powerful in our lives. The words we speak in prayer allow God to manifest Himself according to our faith in Him. If you pray by addressing yourself to God as one who gropes or as if you were talking to a limited god, well He will be limited in your life because He acts according to your faith. If you see Him BIG and UNLIMITED, many doors will be opened in your life.

When you enter in prayer, focus and check your words because if you persist in wanting feeling sorry for yourself or showing God how unhappy you are by trying to accuse him, you would be worsening the situation because, by doing so, you make God small and incapable in your life. There was a time in my life when I prayed in accusing God for having disappointed me and I did not realize that I closed the door to Him and at the same time I opened a big door for the devil.

One thing is sure: If you do not magnify God in your daily life (in prayer and in your conversations) you shrink His size and consequently you enlarged the size of the enemy.
If you want to see a breakthrough or a solution to your problems, learn to magnify the Lord every day by giving Him thanks and telling him how much he is big, good and powerful (though He knows it, He still wants to hear it every day from your own mouth) and this does not depend on your situation. He must be exalted even when everything goes wrong and with time you will see a powerful hand in your life.

Here is my question and please do not answer to me: If you consider your prayers and your conversations, how big is God in your life? Is He big, medium or small? Answer to your heart.

God bless you

Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)