The fruit of the Spirit - Sixth part

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 (Sixth part)

Memory verse (Cor13: 14) " The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen ".

Fruit is a product of the living, vibrant and dynamic communion between your spirit and the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of a believer and the Holy Spirit are one (1Cor6: 17). When you put a seed into the ground and the ground lacks water and the desired mineral salts to support plant life, that seed will not bring forth fruit. Like wise if you desire more fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life, then you need to work on the way you relate with him.

Your relationship with the Holy Spirit should be vibrant; it should be living and a dynamic experience. The Holy Spirit is not smoke, He is not wind, He is not cloud, he is not fire, He is God, He is a heavenly Spirit person, He is real and tangible, He is a heavenly substance and material. He has eyes and he sees, he has a mind and heart, He feels and thinks, He speaks, He has emotions, He can be grieved, He has wisdom and understanding etc. Your spirit was created by God in way that it can sense the Holy Spirit, your spirit can hear him, your spirit can talk with him, your spirit can feels him etc. Every believer needs to build that relationship between your spirit and the Holy Spirit. He needs your time, He needs your attention, He needs your love, He always wants to talk to you and he enjoys you when you talk to him in prayers and worship. There supposed to be a continuous and consistent communion and communication between you and the Holy Spirit.

As your relationship between your spirit and the Holy Spirit grows stronger and deeper, you begin to follow him, you begin to learn how to listen to him. You begin to recognize his voice; you begin to be inspired by him and the deeper it becomes the more enjoyable and fulfilling it becomes.

The deeper this relationship becomes, the more the Holy Spirit fills you with God’s life, power, joy and peace. His presence can possess your life and being so powerfully that sometimes you feel absent from this world. You can become so lost in him and his power. He begins to feel you with God’s kind of life until you are filled with the fullness of God’s kind of life (Eph3: 16-17). God’s nature and life becomes so powerful in you that the trace of the old nature disappears. The fruit of the Holy Spirit manifests to all and everyone can testify of the change in your life. NICE WEEKEND.


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

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