How to prevail in prayer - Fourth part

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 (Fourth part) 

Memory verse: (Matthew 5:6) " Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled "

One of the greatest forces in living things God created is hunger and thirst. In the natural, if a person fails to eat and drink, then what follows is death. Therefore there’s no life without hunger and thirst. The same is true in the spirit, without spiritual hunger and thirst there’s no spiritual life. The Lord Jesus taught and said a man or woman in possession of this wonderful commodity is a blessed one among men. He went on to say that such hungry and thirsty men in the spirit should be filled. When you’re empty then you lack hunger and thirst for God and His things.

God created us to be filled with his life, joy, peace, Holy Spirit, power, wisdom, and all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. We’re spiritual vessels to carry spiritual treasures. Today’s greatest crisis in the church is its spiritual poverty. Its time to cry out to God to create in us spiritual hunger and thirst for God. When people are hungry or thirsty, they lose peace and comfort and they can’t rest until they have found what to eat or drink. The whole body system gets upset when one is hungry, and one has to seek what to eat. Even spiritual thirst and hunger is vital key to prayer. When God’s hunger and thirst come, you can’t sleep, there’s a spiritual restlessness, you lose appetite for things, joy for other things disappear until you go to seek God and this feeling can’t go away until the river of God flows into your life. Spiritual hunger and thirst is a spiritual substance that only God can impart in your life. We need to desire it and cry out to God for it earnestly until it fills our hearts. Hunger makes our prayers powerful and effective. David experienced this hunger and thirst and cried out to God: " My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?" (Ps42:2).  Hunger and thirst keep us running to God in prayer unceasingly. As longer as the thirst is there, prayer will keep flowing out your heart. The day you lose hunger is the day you stop praying. But again, we don’t need to sit down and tell God: " you see God I don’t have hunger therefore I can’t pray ". Stir up yourself and cry to God to give you thirst from heaven and he’ll do it. Jesus called out on the day of a great feast in Jerusalem, that any one who was thirst should come and drink (Jn7:37-39)

Tomorrow we will see ‘The Holy Spirit Baptism’


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

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