Building on the true foundation - Fifth part

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 (Fifth part)

Memory verse: Jn 6:35: " I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst "

Jesus the bread of life

Jesus is the word of God personified: "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth " (Jn 1:14)

One of the reason why we eat is to grow healthy and strong. Food gives physical strength, likewise, the Word of God gives us spiritual strength. God’s word makes us grow mature and stronger spiritually.

Our spiritual eyes need to be enlightened to see God’s word as the true spiritual food for our life. Jesus taught His disciple to ask God for daily bread in their prayers. Well, this may go beyond the physical bread to spiritual bread.

God’s word is the bread of life, i.e. God’s word carries within itself the life of God, (Zoe), which is higher and greater than human life. It carries the life that Jesus came to give to us (Jn 10:10)

Everyday, we need to come to the Lord in our daily devotions with thirst and hunger and cry out for more bread to feed our spirits. The more you feed your body on the right food, the more you grow well, stronger and healthier. A healthy and strong spiritual life is a product of right feeding on God’s word.

The children of Israel used to go out every morning to fetch the manna that God poured down for them daily. God is pouring out spiritual manna everyday here on earth for his children, but its those who have trained themselves to wake up early daily to go out into God’s presence to wait upon the Lord that will fetch the living bread from heaven.

Fathers and mothers, learn to get your family together and break God’s word and feed on it. When storms and flood come, you’ll not be shaken. Business people, learn to feed yourself on God’s word to build yourself up. Ministers, learn to feed the flock God has given you with God’s bread of life. A church well-fed, will grow stronger and storms will come but won’t be able to shake it. It’s time to see spiritual giants in God’s kingdom who have been well fed on God’s bread of life. You will fly like eagles above the storms!

We'll end this teaching tomorrow morning. Be blessed


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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