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The fear of the law of tithing

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The fear of the law of tithing (Part I)  

Today I begin a new teaching that will take ten days (ten parts) in order to understand what the bible says about money. Why money? Because in the last few decades, many doctrines based on financial prosperity were born in the West and continue to be born so much so that even Africa is not spared. In churches, the gospel has changed to the point that creating a church seems to be a good business for a living and this is why we are witnessing struggles (mostly in Africa) among pastors who want to take the seat of honor and almost wherever there is a fight between pastors and leaders of a church, money is always the source of conflict. All is well at the beginning of the ministry or the church but when the church is growing and there is a consistent income or new finances appear, it is often the beginning of the war. 

It is for this reason that we are going to dig into the bible to discover God's thinking about money. Fifty years ago, it was inconceivable that a Christian is forced to pay money to hear the Word of God, or to enter into his church to praise the Lord. Your church is your spiritual family and your church Christians are your brothers and sisters in the Lord.  

Your church is your place to commune with others, you unload your burdens by sharing with others and when it is time to praise the Lord, the bible says that we must converse with spiritual hymns singing and praise the Lord (Eph 5: 18), and we must support the weaker financially (Acts 2: 45). But what is it happening today? Crusades of praise are held in churches and even church members have to pay to enter. My question is simple: "Do I pay to praise and worship God? Or I pay to see a performance? If I’m forced to pay for a show, I can understand but if we must enter to praise and worship the Lord, I am confused because the singers are on the pulpit to guide us (because of their gifts) in praise and if we have to contribute financially, it must be willingly and not a condition to enter

I did not want to write about such a delicate subject but a strong voice told me SPEAK AND DO NOT KEEP QUIET!!!!

I have a series of questions in my head: Is it normal that a Christian is forced to pay to enter his own congregation to praise the Lord? What about if he cannot afford to pay? Is it normal that a Christian has to pay to listen to a new biblical teaching or seminar? Is it normal that there has to be someone standing at the entrance of the church to sell and check the entry tickets in the house of God? Is it normal that churches leaders get rich from the money of poor Christians?  

If a millionaire preacher comes to teach the Word in Malawi which is the poorest country in the world, is it normal that the millionaire obliges Malawians Christians to pay his private jet’s kerosene and all the costs for a five-star hotel for the sole purpose of listening to his teachings? Is it normal to convince Christians that they are cursed because they could not pay their tithes regularly? What does the bible say of tithing and above all what does the bible say about money? The answer lies in the nine teachings that follow. 

Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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