The power of the covenant - Part three

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The power of the covenant (Part 3)

I would first like you to know that there is great strength in the words we speak. Many do so as a show or a simple formula and I even noticed that in many churches the vows text is prepared in advance and the married couple merely read the text without understanding and often do not fully understand the heaviness of what they read.

It is for this reason that on my wedding day I asked to let us decide our own vows that came from the heart without any external influence. I thought on every word I said to my wife, looking straight into her eyes and she did the same. Obviously there were guests who listened to us but even more, God was listening and every word spoken that day was recorded in the spiritual world. I want my readers to understand that the words that we speak can be a blessing to us as they can be a curse.

That is why it is written in Ecclesiastes 5: 4-5: “When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfill it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it

It is the last verse that is very strong: "It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it ". If you are a woman and on the wedding day you promised to love and obey your husband even in difficult times but you start to underestimate and abuse him during the period of unemployment, you attract a curse on you and on your home because of the words you have spoken the day of your wedding. But if you rather continue to love and honor him despite his poverty, you open a door for the hand of God to work in your home, because God is sensitive when someone honors his vow as we just read in Ecclesiastes 5: 4-5.

Likewise, if you are a man and on the wedding day you told her that you are going to love, cherish and protect her despite everything that could happen but you start to hate or mistreat her because she no longer has the physical size that attracted you during the engagement time, you attract a curse on you because of the words you have spoken on the day of your wedding.

This is also the reason why many couples spend years and years in a sort of curse without knowing why, and despite many prayers. I heard some couples accusing witches, Satanists or simply the devil when in fact they are responsible of the misfortunes that happen to them.

If you want to have a blessed and strong couple, you have to live and fulfill the vows you made the day of your marriage despite the physical and financial changes and especially despite the surprises regarding the character of your life partner. Honor your wows and God will honor your marriage but it does not happen in one week; it requires patience and mostly sacrifice.

To be continued in Part Four

Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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