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The definition of God’s love

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The definition of God’s love (Part 1)  

Verse of the day: 1 John 4: 12: “No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us" 

Some Christians pray to fix their problems and others are concerned about the presence of God in their lives. Without the presence of God, it's almost impossible to build a stable life of prayer because it is the presence of God that casts out fear. 

It may happen that when you start praying, you feel some fatigue or discomfort without knowing why ... some even fall asleep in the middle of prayer. All this is due to lack of God’s presence and the big question is how to get there? 

Some say that in order to enter in God's presence, they must spend time in meditation of the word, others say they have to sing hymns ... all this can work, but it is not always easy because I know those who sing and fall asleep on the second hymn and others read four chapters without any revelation from the Lord. 

If there is God’s presence in us, it means that he abides in us. The verse of the day (1 John 4: 12) begins by saying that no one has ever seen God, but we find the condition for Him to abide in us: It is said that "if we love one another, God abides in us".

By this, we discover the easiest way for God to abide in us which is the neighbor’s love. In other words, we can summarize this by saying that God lives where love is. Like a fish cannot remain in a pool without water, so God cannot dwell in a heart without love. 

The question that follows is what kind of love is John talking? Every time we show an act of love, one can be sure that God is there because we just learned that He remains where love resides. The revelation that is in the verse of the day is that God does not require us to be too spiritual in order to dwell in us but he just wants to find love in us. Helping a brother or a sister who is in need opens a door to God’s presence because any act of love attracts His presence. If you never care about other people’s problems, if you do not pay any attention to the poor, you chase out God’s presence from your life. 

Your act of love will only be considered by heaven if you are born again which means you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

In the second part, we will see what the Bible means by "love." It's easy to tell someone that you love him but it is not always easy to prove it. 

Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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