We need to test prophecies (Part 5)
Today I finish this teaching by giving you more indicators to test prophecies. In addition to test prophecies, we must also learn to test the prophets. This is at least Jesus suggestion when he spoke of the prophets, saying: "You shall know them by their FRUITS" (Matt 7: 16). By "fruits," Jesus was referring to the behavior, character, attitude and maturity of the prophet.
Third indicator: The spirit of seduction: Most false prophets are recognized by a spirit of seduction. They always want to please those who listen to them. They always say that the ears want to hear. It is as if God agrees with everything we do and that we do not need any correction. Our God is a Father who loves us, encourages us and also corrects us as a Father. Most false prophets promise us money, contracts and are not interested in our spiritual life.
If you see a prophet who only says sweet words, be careful and consult with the Holy Spirit in you.
Fourth indicator: Terror: In this category, false prophets only speak with terrifying words and show a still angry and unforgiving god who wants to exterminate all those who do not want to cooperate. The Bible says that our God is full of love, slow to anger and rich in mercy. He is patient and gives us time to correct us and the Holy Spirit is described by Jesus as the Comforter or Helper and He will tell of things to come (John 14:26 / John 16: 13). If a prophet gives you a message and your spirit is broken, it is possible that the spirit he used is not the Comforter or the Helper. In this case, you must pray and seek the Holy Spirit in you.
Fifth indicator: Humility: If you see a prophet filled with pride, who wants to have a lot of respect and honor, it is an indicator that it is a false prophet. A prophet of God is always humble and never wants to impress. A false prophet will show you that he is the only one that is important God’s eyes and all those who resist will be punished by God.
Sixth indicator: A life of prayer: A Prophet of God who is constantly used by the Holy Spirit should be a man / woman of prayer. Most false prophets I met rarely pray. They put more attention to the gift of prophecy but do not pray.
Finally, I should mention that God gives the gift of prophecy but He also gives the Ministry of Prophet which is one of five ministries in the church (Ephesians 4: 11). One with the Ministry of Prophet is used by God to guide the church according to God's plan. It is he who informs and warns what is going on in the spiritual world. Each church should pray that God rise up a prophet for growth and stability.
I hope that this teaching has helped you but if you still have questions you do not have an answer, write me.
God bless you
Chris Ndikumana