Nothing can stop prayer - Part Two

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 Nothing can stop prayer (Second part)

Verse of the day: Acts 12:6 “The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance”

I ended the first part by explaining that despite the king’s decision to kill Peter, the church was earnestly praying to God for him. There is a huge power of deliverance through prayers. If we take time to closely meditate on each verse, we would discover a great teaching of the Holy-Spirit about what is needed in order to get delivered from the enemy’s prison.

The verse of the day tells us that Peter was bound with two chains, which means that his hands and legs were both bound. It happens in life when our hands are spiritually bound so much so everything we do become absolutely fruitless. Likewise, our feet can spiritually be bound at the point that we cannot even go forward in life or in our projects where everything we try does not succeed.

Although he was bound with two chains, he had to sleep between two soldiers who had a clear mission of stopping him from any trial of escape. Once a child of God is in a spiritual prison, there are demons that have to make sure that the two chains are well tight.

In spite of the two chains and the two soldiers around him while he was sleeping, there were also sentries stood guard at the entrance to watch him in case there was any attack from outside trying to set him free. Because the devil is aware about a possible divine army intervention (angels), he is always prepared accordingly. That is why he sends demons to guard the spiritual prison before the exit door that can be defined as the door of deliverance.

All this impressive description is a confirmation that Peter was extremely important to King Herod’s eyes otherwise he would be kept in prison like everybody else.

If the devil does all he can to bind and immobilize you somewhere, it simply means that he couldn’t kill you but he still does not want you to move forward. He does not want you to walk (by binding your feet), he does not want you to do anything (by binding your hands), he wants to make sure that you are and you will remain in the spiritual prison he created for you.

Later in this teaching, we will discover that God can sometimes allow us to be in that prison in order to accomplish a particular plan but He always takes us out of it.

In the third part, we will see the requested conditions for Peter to get out the prison.

Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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