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Follow His voice

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Follow His voice (Part I)

In big cities of developed countries, it is now impossible to get lost because of the GPS invention if you have the destination address.

The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite positioning system to guide drivers to their destination. You just have to listen to the voice that comes out of the machine and follow the instructions. I noticed that the GPS does not give you the details as soon as you start the car but it is as if he wants you to trust it and follow its instructions step by step. Sometimes the driver is distracted or does the opposite direction but the GPS does not let him go and reacts immediately. This often happens on highways when you miss an exit and you will hear the GPS saying: "Turn around, make a U-turn and go back on track." If you do not obey his voice, you will easily get lost.

Today I will not talk about the GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite but I'll talk about the GPS (God positioning system) from heaven.
In this teaching, we will understand that God has prepared for his children a GPS to guide them to a specific destination. Unfortunately many of God's children are not aware of this GPS. Does the Bible talk about it? Definitely! In Romans 8: 14 it is written, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God". In other words, the Holy Ghost is our Heavenly GPS. If we learn His language and follow His instructions, it is rare to be lost. Even when we are lost, He will ask us to turn around and go back on track.

We all want to spend time talking to God in our prayers, but what God says is more important than what we say. It's good to talk to God but it's better to pay attention to what He says. Most people do not speak because they are not able to hear. Often when we do not hear well, we cannot speak well.
Here I do not mean the physical ears but spiritual ears because God speaks to us every minute and His broadcast is unlimited. As I write this teaching, I am sure the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is actually broadcasting but if I do not turn on my radio, I remain completely unaware of what is being broadcasting right now. If I do not hear the voice of God, it does not mean that He is not speaking. The problem is not on God’s side, but it is me who cannot discern His voice.

Although I said that the Holy Ghost is our Heavenly GPS, this does not mean that God guides us only through our spirit because He also speaks through circumstances but the interpretation will always be from our spirit and our soul.

In the second part of this teaching, I will show you the five categories of Christians regarding God’s GPS and each of us will be able to discover his current category.

Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)