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Beyond negative circumstances

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Beyond negative circumstances (Part 1)  

If you are a Christian and you believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, it means that you have faith. Jesus often spoke of those who have great faith, which means that there are children of God who have a little faith.
The scriptures tell us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ (Romans 10: 17). In other words, the more you listen or read God's Word, the more faith grows. 

Today I will talk about a faith that is different to the ordinary faith. It is the faith that is needed during times of despair when the situation shows that there is no way out.

This is the faith that I call "Eagle faith". Why an eagle? Because the bible presents the eagle as the symbol of the force that renews and never get weary (Isaiah 40: 30-31). The Romans used it as a symbol for their armies. The eagle is heavily used as a symbol for the logo of the Air Force and it is especially breast badge for the air paratroopers. 

The eagle is considered as the king of the birds and their behavior is just the opposite of chickens’ especially when it comes to facing a storm or rain.
When there is a storm or when it rains, the chickens in the chicken-yard feel in danger and run in all directions under the pressure of fear.
However, the eagle has no problems even when there is a storm or when it rains because it is able to rise ABOVE THE CLOUDS and stare at the sun. This means that even if it rains or there is a storm, the eagle does not have to worry because it is able to fly above the clouds that contain the rain.
Clouds are the symbol of the problems we are experiencing or the situation which announces disaster. Those who have the eagle faith do not let themselves intimidated by the circumstances because their faith rises ABOVE CIRCUMSTANCES i.e. the one who has the eagle faith no longer rely on his own strength or someone else strength but he places his faith in the Lord, who is above all

If there is a situation before you that seems impossible and terrifying, and in your heart you find that despite all your relationships, all your wealth and all your mind, you cannot get out of it, you need the eagle faith to see what God can do beyond the negative circumstances that are before you. How can we overcome the negative circumstances? The answer is in the second part of this teaching. 

Chris Ndikumana 


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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