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Are you poor or rich in spirit?

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Are you poor or rich in spirit? (Part 1)

Verse of the Day:  Matthew 5: 3 " Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"

Being rich or poor in spirit has been misinterpreted for decades. When missionaries arrived in Africa, one of the most relevant teachings was the poverty in spirit. Many Africans misunderstood the verse of the day (Matthew 5: 3), thinking that Jesus wanted believers to be poor. But Jesus was not talking about financial poverty but of the mind. 

In this teaching, I want to help my readers to understand the true message of Jesus when he asks us to be poor in spirit. I consulted the original version of Matthew 5: 3 and the word "poor" is translated from the Greek word "Ptochos" which means "Beggar". 

In other words, Jesus asks us to be beggars in spirit. Nobody wants to be seen as a beggar. We all want to be independent, but for our spiritual life, Jesus asks us to be beggars. A beggar is constantly in need and he can do nothing of himself unless he finds a rescue. In our spirit, God wants us to be TOTALLY dependent on him and in everything. This is also why God never allows that we have everything we want otherwise many would even abandon prayer. 

I know that some of you say that heaven helps those who help themselves, but I must say that no one can help himself without the grace of God. You can tell me that you are smart, you have a good degree, you work hard, but you should also remember that it is God who gave you that intelligence, the degree and strength. 

When you were born, you were naked and you totally depended on your parents. You were like an invalid who is totally dependent on others. It is God who allowed you to grow up using other people until you could be independent in the world’s eyes but in reality you are still dependent on God because he is still holding the breath of your life until now. 

If you are proud of your success and want to impress everyone, it means that you are very rich in spirit while Jesus asks us to be poor in spirit. He who is poor in spirit is still in the position of someone expecting something from God. If you walk in town before a beggar, you will find that his eyes seek your attention. If you look at him, you will notice that his reaction is to show you how much he needs your help. You will never find a beggar busy reading a newspaper or look at his cellphone texting messages to his friend. He is always attentive to the slightest reaction of passers that can give him something. It is the same attitude that you should have in your mind; your attention should be completely oriented towards your God that has everything you need. 

God wants a poor spirit and He wants you to prepare him some room so that He pours out His blessings in your life. 

In the second part, we will see how the devil deceives the children of God in order to block their blessings. 

Chris Ndikumana 


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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