Who’s Jesus? - Part Two

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Who is Jesus? (Part 2) 

In the first part, I finished by saying that let the one who boasts boast in the Lord (2 Cor 10: 17). In other words, it is the identity of the Lord within us that allows us to do all we can do. 

Satan knows very well the identity of Jesus and he cannot even stand before him. One day, a powerful demon was in a man and the bible says that having seen Jesus from afar, he prostrated himself before him and cried with a loud voice, saying, "Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you in the name of God, do not torment me "(Mark 5: 6-7) 

If you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you carry within you the glory and power of Jesus. If the devil sees you from afar, he is scared and bow down before the power of Jesus in you but the problem is that we do not know the power that works in us. If we are aware of the identity of Jesus and Jesus is in us, nothing should worry us because Jesus gave us the authority to defeat the devil and his works but on one condition: It has to be done IN HIS NAME and not in our name. 

Why his name? Because it is his identity that shakes the devil. When we invoke the name of Jesus, we proclaim the victory of Jesus on the cross and the devil cannot stand it. All the miracles of the disciples were made in the name of Jesus and not in their names. It is through Jesus' identity and not their identity that miracles were done. I have to insist on this because today we hear famous preachers who say that if we are children of God we no longer need to mention the name of Jesus to see a miracle or to cast out demons. It's like they are saying that what matters is our identity and not Jesus identity. 

They say it relying on some biblical verses like 1 John 4: 17 which say that as he is, so are we in this world. If anyone can claim to cast out demons and do miracles without the name of Jesus, he still does not understand who Jesus really is and if miracles do occur anyway, he uses another power but not Jesus power. Remember that Jesus said that many will operate miracles and wonders without him (Matthew 24: 24). 

I do not know which country you are in today but some go even further by claiming that they are gods and they always rely on biblical verses (more details in the next part) but the problem is that many are not aware of Satan's trap on this. 

In the third part, I will show you why the devil wants Christians to think that they are gods and completely ignore the identity of Jesus. He wants us to appropriate God's gifts and as we keep glorifying about our identity, we end up forgetting or ignoring the role of Jesus identity in our lives. We will also see how the identity of Jesus may be manifested in our lives? 

To be continued in Part Three 

Chris Ndikumana 


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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