You have an account in heaven (part 2)
Verse of the day: Luke 16:9 “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings”
Today’s meditation is based on the parable of the manager who was fired but had to do the account of his management to his master before leaving the job. Knowing that he has already lost his job, he decided to give favor to his master’s debtors so that they would remember him when he will be jobless. When his master discovered his strategies, instead of being angry, he praised him for having acting shrewdly (Luke 16:8).
I am one of those who believe that we should act right with no hidden agenda and every good action should be done by love. However, we cannot ignore the evidence revealed by Jesus through the verse of the day (Luke 16:9). From the example of the shrewd manager, Jesus tries to show us that every time we have material possessions, we should act with prudence and think that one day we may lose it. It’s actually when we lose it that God ordains to the angels to withdraw some financial resources from our heavenly account which is supposed to be a credit account.
Therefore, it’s obvious that by the verse of the day, Jesus was talking about being generous toward poor, widows and all those who are in need because the word says that whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done (Prov 19:17). A poor person cannot rescue you when you will be in need, but his master (God) will take care of it but always according to your deed.
Whenever we are in need and we ask for the Lord’s rescue, He ordains his angels according to our prayers. Angels run to withdraw financial resources from our heavenly accounts. They are often blocked by a debit account which means that the owner didn’t supply it by sowing for the Lord and since the bible reprimands those who do not do the good they ought to do (James 4:17), a debit account will simply get empty.
Some people think they can deceive God by promising Him to do this or that when they will be rich while they do nothing for Him with the little they have. That is why Jesus said: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” (Luke 16:10)
In the third part, I will talk about the recompense of our acts of generosity
Chris Ndikumana