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Touching God's heart

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(First part) 

Memory verse: (Acts13: 22) “ And when He had removed him, He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will ”

Touching God should be the consuming passion of our lives. We need to understand this and make it the pursuit of our lives, the purpose of our living, that is, pleasing God. Paul said if am still living to please men then am not a servant of Christ (Gal 1:10). Pleasing God is the only way we can touch His heart. The motive behind everything we do should be about how to please the Lord. The secret is this: until you please the Lord, you cannot be pleased. When our lives and ways are pleasing the Lord, then and then will our lives be filled with pleasures. There are fleshly and worldly pleasures but there are also divine pleasures. The scripture says at God’s right hand there are pleasures evermore (Ps 16: 11). So many believers think the kingdom of God is a very boring, miserable, cold lifestyle, but that’s wrong. It’s only because many of God’s children have not followed the Holy Spirit and God’s word to learn the kingdom life. The scripture says: the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom14: 17). Until you surrender to the Holy Spirit and learn to follow him, live in Him, and He overflows you with heavenly God kind of life, then and then will you begin to drink in the joy of the Lord. It’s at His right hand, i.e. in his presence that you can swim in the river of God’s pleasures.

A life that is pleasing to God is the one that touches his heart. God has given us the Holy Spirit and His word so that we discover the ways and the things, and the lifestyle that pleases Him. God has not left us to guess how to live the kingdom life for him, he has given us everything we need to live a fruitful, joyful, productive, powerful, peaceful etc life that is pleasing to him (2Pet1: 3-6). Many believers live the opposite of the way God wants to us live, they sit waiting when God will do the next miracle so that they may be happy. When God has not yet done those things they expect Him to do, they find no reason to be happy. They sit miserable, cold, complaining and confused. Just get out of that position and begin to find out the ways of touching God’s heart and go ahead to spend your time pleasing him. God knows his side, we just need to find our side of this covenant life and fulfill it.

Tomorrow’s subject, “ Walking in the Spirit ”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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