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Sacrifices that save lives

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(First part) 

Memory verse: JOHN 12:24-25 " Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life "

Sacrifice life is the ultimate form of life one can ever live. Jesus was ready to lay his life down to die for our salvation. The only begotten Son of God sacrificed his on life and by his death he has raised many sons unto God. His death on the cross has set the captives free, has brought forgiveness to the sinners, he made sinners saints, has made the poor riches, has brought healthy to the sick, has brought peace to those who were confused (Is 53: 1-5)  

Just one life of the Son of God sacrificed once, brought salvation for the whole world and all generations. That’s why Paul said that the preaching of the cross of Jesus is the power of God to us who are saved ( ICor1:18) Lives that were dead in sin and were doomed to die forever now have found life eternal just by the one life that was sacrificed. Sacrifice is the greatest power of the kingdom of God. Salvation is a product of sacrifice. You will save nothing in life until you learn the lifestyle of sacrifice. Your daily sacrifices will guarantee you a great harvest in the future. Sacrifice less seasons will gives you harvest less future.

Sacrifices Jesus made, (Phil2:5-11) 

-He left Heaven (glory) and came to live in sinful world.

-He set aside his glory and became man.

-He became a servant.

-He chose to die the most shameful death.

Benefits of his sacrifice:

-His sacrifice has brought salvation to millions of souls that were to perish forever.

-He was given a name that is above every name.

-He was given authority in heaven and on earth.

-Every knee bow to him and every tongue confess that He is Lord etc.

The greatness of your sacrifice will determine your size in life. Choose a life that will give you worth in this world and in the world to come!

Tomorrow we will see,  ‘ The Sacrifice of God The Father’


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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