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Living in changing seasons

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 (First part) 

Memory verse: (Dan2:21) " And he changes the times and seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding ”

All things on earth are subject to seasons (Gen 8:22). Rainy and dry seasons, summer, winter, autumn and spring, sowing seasons and harvesting seasons. This changing of seasons controls the life of every living thing on earth. Activities of man are controlled by seasons. There are also spiritual seasons. They control how we walk and live the kingdom life on earth following God and fulfilling our purpose on earth. God has ordained our lives to be fruitful and fulfilling. God has made us for peculiar purposes. We have divine purposes to accomplish. The scripture say of David, that he served his generation according to God’s will and he slept (Acts13:36). Men like Joseph, Daniel, Ezekiel, Abraham, Enoch, Moses, Joshua, Deborah, Esther, Apostles, Our Lord Jesus, John the Baptist etc, discovered God’s purposes for their lives here on earth.

A purpose driven life passes through diverse experiences, situations, and challenges in order to be equipped for God’s assignment. God wants to transform us, build us, strengthen us, build our character, and increase our wisdom, knowledge and understanding. God wants to change our hearts and make us loving instead of selfish, God wants to plant a vision in our lives, God wants to change our perspectives about life, our selves, God, world, money etc.

It takes great effort to mold a vessel of honor, so it takes God great effort, patience, love, longsuffering, time to take one life that Satan had destroyed and transform it into a vessel of honor. This season of molding is one of the most painful both to God and man (Jer18:1-6). No believer enjoys this period, it’s painful but gainful if we decide to endure. Jesus said that every branch in him that bears fruit He prunes it. My brother and sister, today if you decide to live a life that’s fruitful for God, then be ready for the pruning. God stretches us for greater productivity (Is 54:2-4). Stretching is very painful. God will stretch you beyond your limits and capacities. Seasons of stretching will come your way and they won’t be fun. And of course they are seasons when our fruits are ripe and all kinds people come from every corner to buy. Seasons of significance. Seasons of divine attraction.

Tomorrow we will study about, ‘Seasons determine your location’


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)