Living in changing seasons - Third part

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 (Third part) 

Memory verse: (Psalm105:17) " He sent a man before them, Joseph, who was sold as a slave "

Seasons change your status. They change your name. Many time people identify us by what experiences we go through in life. There is always a second name the society call you because of what you’re going through. In Jacob’s house, He was Joseph the beloved son, in Potiphar’s house he was a slave, in the prison he was the prisoner, and finally in the Government of king of Egypt he was the Prime minister.

My friend it doesn't matter what people are calling you, it’s temporary. When God changes your location, he will change your name. People won’t call you what they’re calling you now forever. You won’t be in sickness forever, you won’t be in poverty forever, you won’t be in that position forever, you won’t be in that pain forever, you won’t be barren forever, you won’t be jobless forever. When that chapter is complete, God will turn over the page and your status won’t be the same again. The people who crucified Jesus for calling Himself the Son of God were the very people who said after killing him: " surely this is the Son of God ". The very people who mock you will one-day praise you. Those who oppress you will one day bow before. My friend take heart, your condition will change. God is in control and everything happening to you is working together for your good (Rom8:28). Joseph woke up one morning a prisoner but by the evening the same day, the same man was a prime minister.

Humble your self if you are in your palace, rejoice if you’re in the prison, and do God’s will where he has placed you. God’s presence and grace will be with you wherever he has placed you. The state of the location, position and condition don’t define who you’re. These are just instruments God uses to shape us. So never allow your self to become a product of the condition. Going through poverty don’t make you a poor man, we are rich in CHRIST. Mordecai sat in the gate of the king for good time, everyone who passed by used to call him the other gatekeeper. In fact some never new his name and they called him simply, the gatekeeper. But when the season changed his status changed and changed his name. When your status is changed; your named is changed also. Keep following the Lord who changes seasons, your turn is coming. God is about to give you a new name. The God who has brought you into this new year is going to lead you into new ways, new victories, new open doors,

Tomorrow’s subject, ‘ Anointing on your life is determined by seasons’


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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