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Kingdom life is a race

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 (First part) 

Memory verse (Heb12:1): “ Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us ”

Life in Christ is a race. Life in Christ means christian life or kingdom life or spiritual life. There’s a physical race we all know in this world but life in the kingdom of God is similar to the worldly race. In the world, all people can run but not all can participate in the race. People who take part in the race or athletes, if we may call them, they develop this dream while still young, they begin to practice to run in races, they begin to exercise certain disciplines all athletes observe, they join certain groups or teams of athletes, they get a trainer who understand the profession better and they begin to build up their dream.                                  

Beloved, you are in a race. You started the race the day you accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour (Heb12:2). Don’t faint but run until you will fall into the hands of Jesus on that day when you will finish you race. Don’t get out the race, don’t let anything distract from seeing the finishing line, don’t get out the race but keep running. May the Holy Spirit strengthen you in your spirit with mighty so that you won’t run out of gas until you finish your race. Fix your eyes on Jesus and follow him day by day, step by step because he is the starter and the finisher of your spiritual race. Jesus is the starting point, he is the one we follow everyday and everyway and he is the finishing line of this race.

Sometime the course of our race involves valleys, mountains, straight stretches, bends and rough places but keep running with endurances. There are temptations, trials, hardship , warfare, etc but don’t allow what you are going through to stop you from continuing your race. The road may be rough but the prize is glorious. Focus on the prize not on the road. We have great witnesses that tell us , “ we won this race of life by faith, and you also will win it if you keep the faith ”. They are telling us, “ it is possible, God is faithful to help you ”. Abraham, Elijah, Enoch, Abel, etc are all cheering you up. They  are enjoying seeing racing through life by faith. They are seeing you overcoming temptations, defeating the enemy etc. You are more than a conqueror in Christ.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ There is a crown for you ”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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