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Dimensions in prayer

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 (First part)

Memory verse (Mtt7: 7): “ Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you ".

Prayer is a spiritual journey. Prayer is the expression of ones heart towards God. It’s written that what fills the heart, the mouth speaks. Prayer is a heart-activity that finds its true expression through the mouth. What comes out of the man’s mouth has a lot to say about what is happening in his heart. The contents of a man’s heart flows out through his mouth, and prayer is born in the heart and flows out of the mouth (Luke 6: 45).

Your prayerfulness is determined by your spirituality, i.e. the depth of your spirituality determines the depth of your prayer. Spirituality has dimensions, even so is prayer. As a man is so is his prayer. A natural man prays natural prayers, a carnal believer prays carnal prayers, and a spiritual believer prays spiritual prayer. Your prayer life can never go beyond your spirituality.

The flesh can only produce fleshly prayers and the spirit produces spiritual prayers. Believers have different dimensions of spirituality, there are spiritual babies, spiritual little children, spiritual young men and women, spiritual sons and spiritual fathers. So, the level of your spirituality determines the dimension of your prayer life (Jn3: 6)

God’s will for every one of his children is to grow in our prayer life from glory to glory, from one dimension to another, from power to power, from one dimension of experience to another, from fleshly prayer life to spiritual prayer life, from fruitless prayer life to fruitful prayer life, to much fruitful prayer life, from selfish prayer life to self-less intercessory prayer life. From prayers that change your circumstances to prayers that change your life, people around you, your family, your community, school, work-mates and nations. From prayers that touch you to prayers that touch men, God and shake hell’s gates.

It’s high time you started your prayer journey. If you’ve already started your prayer expedition, then it’s time to get to the next dimension of prayerfulness. You have not arrived yet until you have seen Jesus face to face.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ The prayer of asking ”.


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)