• Suivez les émissions de Kanguka de Lundi - Samedi sur www.kanguka.com
            His name is " I AM "
                          Exodus 3:13-14

Dear brothers and sisters,

This site has been created in conjunction with our radio broadcasts that are available every Wednesday on Radio Ivyizigiro (Mhz 90.9 / Mhz104.8). The radio can be followed live on www.woi-ivyizigiro.org at 7:00 pm (Burundi) / 5:00 pm (GMT). Through this site we want our listeners to have access to additional teaching resources- audio as well as manuscript.


Bonjour frères et sœurs,

Ce site est crée suite à l’émission-radio qui passe tous les mercredis sur la radio Ivyizigiro (Mhz 90.9 / Mhz 104.8) à 18h55 afin de permettre aux auditeurs d’avoir accès à mes enseignements soit par des enseignements Audio ou des textes écrits.









My vision

Dear brothers and sisters,

This site has been created in conjunction with our radio broadcasts that are available every Wednesday on Radio Ivyizigiro (Mhz 90.9 / Mhz104.8). The radio can be followed live on www.woi-ivyizigiro.org at 7:00 pm (Burundi) / 5:00 pm (GMT). Through this site we want our listeners to have access to additional teaching resources- audio as well as manuscript. This site will also serve as a means of communication for those who would like to share their prayer requests. Additionally, you will find easy access to other Christian websites that facilitate spiritual development. There is also a special daily program "KANGUKA" that reaches more the 120 thousands burundian and rwandan around the globe. The Kanguka program is also broadcasted on radio Ivyizigiro every morning.

God spoke to me clearly in 1996 concerning my call through a vision that showed me the course of my future ministry: Ed Project. At the time, I didn’t see anyway that I could share His Word throughout the entire world. I couldn’t imagine for even a split-second any possibility of publishing my teachings in the four corners of the world while sitting in my office, but God knew what would be possible through the internet. I understood that when God speaks we must simply put our confidence in Him and obey Him.

When God gave me the vision of the Ed Project, I thought that everything was going to happen the following year, however, it was necessary to go through a long period of brokenness and spiritual development.

Ed project will contribute to the spiritual awakening that will reach the entire region- Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Congo. Our vision is to assist Christians in their spiritual development through the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ through humanitarian aid- particularly towards widows and orphans.

There has never been a spiritual awakening without persistent and fervent prayer in Burundi. Since I started teaching on the internet, I have seen God save souls in all four corners of the world.

Right now my office is based at Bujumbura (Burundi) and I believe God will fulfill everything He promised to do in this country. I may not achieve 100% of the vision but one thing is sure: Everything spoken by God will have to be fulfilled.
Burundi and Africa will be transformed by the fire of the Holy Spirit. A great revival is on the way. A new generation is getting prepared.

I know that God is with me, but I also recognize my need for your prayer support, feedback, and counsel.

Your brother Chris NDIKUMANA


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)

