His name is " I AM "
                          Exodus 3:13-14

Dear brothers and sisters,

This site has been created in conjunction with our radio broadcasts that are available every Wednesday on Radio Ivyizigiro (Mhz 90.9 / Mhz104.8). The radio can be followed live on www.woi-ivyizigiro.org at 7:00 pm (Burundi) / 5:00 pm (GMT). Through this site we want our listeners to have access to additional teaching resources- audio as well as manuscript.


Bonjour frères et sœurs,

Ce site est crée suite à l’émission-radio qui passe tous les mercredis sur la radio Ivyizigiro (Mhz 90.9 / Mhz 104.8) à 18h55 afin de permettre aux auditeurs d’avoir accès à mes enseignements soit par des enseignements Audio ou des textes écrits.










The iron gate (Fourth part)

Verse of the day: Acts 12:8 “Then the angel said to him, “Put on your clothes and sandals.” And Peter did so. “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me,” the angel told him


Above all, I’d like to end yesterday’s though. I was saying that the angel of God can intervene in our problems and two chains can fall, which means that we are free to move but we still remain in a situation where we cannot go far in life…we are always in the same things with no significant progression simply because even though the chains fell, we can still be in the prison because the iron gate is always shut.

As long as the iron door is still shut, all we can do is to walk around in the prison but we are never completely free.


As we read it in the verse of the day, after the chains fell, Peter was supposed to follow the angel but the angel gave him three conditions before following him until the iron gate open:

Putting on his cloths, his sandals and wrapping his cloak around himself.

Other versions are talking about putting his belt instead of cloths. The belt is spiritually explained as “the truth” which is a spiritual armor that Christians must constantly have (Eph 6:14). All our activities must be based on the truth if we want the iron door to open. Lies must flee away from our vocabulary because of the truth in it.


Sandals or shoes are spiritually explained as “the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” and it’s another spiritual needed armor for a Christian (Eph 6:15). The readiness is justified by works we do for the Lord because of the gospel of peace in us. Some Christians do all they can to get a sanctified life but they don’t feel any readiness for the work of God. If we don’t feel any readiness for the work of the Lord, it means that our feet are without shoes (spiritually).

The cloak or cloths are spiritually explained as the anointing of the Holy Spirit as it’s the case for Elijah and Elisha and it’s that anointing that allows us to overcome impossible situations.


The angel couldn’t take Peter out of the prison without those three conditions: The belt ( the cloths), the sandals and the cloak.


In tomorrow’s meditation, we will see how looks the triumphal exit of Peter followed by God’s angel after having passing through the iron door.


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)

