His name is " I AM "
                          Exodus 3:13-14

Dear brothers and sisters,

This site has been created in conjunction with our radio broadcasts that are available every Wednesday on Radio Ivyizigiro (Mhz 90.9 / Mhz104.8). The radio can be followed live on www.woi-ivyizigiro.org at 7:00 pm (Burundi) / 5:00 pm (GMT). Through this site we want our listeners to have access to additional teaching resources- audio as well as manuscript.


Bonjour frères et sœurs,

Ce site est crée suite à l’émission-radio qui passe tous les mercredis sur la radio Ivyizigiro (Mhz 90.9 / Mhz 104.8) à 18h55 afin de permettre aux auditeurs d’avoir accès à mes enseignements soit par des enseignements Audio ou des textes écrits.










The iron gate (Third part)

Verse of the day: Acts 12:7 “Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists


This morning we will meditate on Peter’s exit of the prison which is a profound teaching about exiting the devil’s prison (spiritually speaking).


In Acts 12:7, we hear about an angel of the Lord that appeared in the prison where Peter was tied as described yesterday but the scripture says that from the angel’s entrance, “the chains fell off Peter’s wrists”. The angel intervened because of the Church’s prayers which was earnestly praying to God for him as we read it in Acts 12:5.

We may ask ourselves the question of knowing why the angel didn’t intervene earlier but there are certain situations that need a certain quantity of prayer for the angel of God to intervene. The intervention of the liberator angel may be fast of slow but one thing is sure: he must intervene when God’s children are on their knees. Prayers in the name of Jesus go up to God and make move His powerful hand to save us. God never intervene without prayer…you may tell me that you saw the hand of God in a specific situation although you didn’t pray but I must tell you that if He really intervene, it simply means that He used someone else that you don’t even know because when we pray, the Holy Spirit uses our prayers as fuel to accomplish the perfect will of God. The bible says that we do know what we ought to pray for but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us (Romans 8:26)


From the angel’s entrance, the two chains fell, which means that Peter could walk and move with his hands but the problem wasn’t resolved in order to be completely free because the prison door was always shut and the guards who kept him were still there. Most of the dtime, when we pray for God to intervene for liberating us, He sends His angel that appears in our prison and from his entrance, the chains that bound our hands and our feet fell immediately which means that we immediately see a solution which sometime impresses us but the problem is that we cannot go far in life. We always found ourselves procrastinating, re-starting from scratch…simply because the chains fell but we are still in the prison where the iron gate is still shut.


Tomorrow we will talk about the angel’s visit in Peter’s cell. Have a great day.


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)

