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The trap of the interest - Part Two

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The trap of the interest (Part 2)

In the first Part, we studied Exodus 22:25 and we saw that God does not want us to charge interest when a brother or sister in the Lord borrows money from us because in doing so we take advantage of the brother or sister’s problem.

One day a brother of my church borrowed me some money because he had an urgent problem. I lent him the money and he was supposed to pay me back after a week the same amount without interest (as I have never demanded any interest from a brother). He could not find the money after one week and two weeks after I could not see him at church because he did not want to see me without my money. After a month I met him and when he saw me he started to explain that he had troubles to pay me and he was very embarrassed and felt guilty. I immediately told him: "Brother, forget about the debt and from now consider that you owe me nothing because from today the money I gave you becomes a blessing for you". I could see in his face a great relief and joy filling his heart.

Later I realized that a church's sister no longer came to church, I looked for her and she told me she owed some money to a brother of the church (who is my friend) and I told her to approach him and explain the problem. She obeyed and the brother reassured her that there was no problem because of the money. She was released and continued to come to church without worry.

I finally concluded that if a brother or sister who is really in need borrows me money, and if I am able to rescue him / her, I will give the amount as a blessing without wanting to get it back and I will have to make sure that the brother or the sister is aware about it in order to protect our relationship. We are blessed to bless others and what matters to me is to guard and protect my relationship with a brother or sister. The devil has divided and broken many relationships because of the non-repaid money.

In the third part, we will see what the bible says about the pledge that protects the loan.

Chris Ndikumana


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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