The trap of the interest (Part 3)
If you are reading this topic for the first time I suggest you read the first and the second part for a better understanding.
Let’s read Exodus 22: 26-27 “If you ever take your neighbor’s garment as a pledge, you shall return it to him before the sun goes down. For that is his only covering, it is his garment for his skin. What will he sleep in? And it will be that when he cries to Me, I will hear, for I am gracious"
In this passage we are told about the clothing that symbolizes the pledge or the guarantee to protect the money we lent our neighbor. It is said that if you lend money your neighbor and if you take his garment in pledge, you shall restore it before sunset. Why are we talking about clothing and sunset? The explanation is found in Exodus 22: 27 "because it is his only covering, it is his garment for his skin. What will he sleep in?”. If you keep his clothes at night, your neighbor may die of cold. So life and protection of your neighbor is more important than your money. God wants us to value our brothers and sisters in the Lord more than we value money.
In the house of God (in the church), there are still Christians who behave exactly like bankers. Before lending you money, you have to give them a pledge (guarantee) to protect themselves and if unfortunately you do not manage to pay off the debt, you lose your pledge. It is precisely this behavior that God does not want in His Church.
From experience, I've realized that in over 50% of Christians who take debts fail to repay despite them. They often have the will but the circumstances or lack of experience (in business) causes them to fail paying the entire debt. What is worse is that sometimes the Christian-creditor is aware of the good faith of the Christian-borrower but that does not stop him to demand his money (capital) plus interest on a profit that never existed (just like the bank). At the end of the 27th verse (Exodus 22: 27), God says: "... If he yells at me, I will hear, for I am merciful." If you do not have mercy for your brother (your sister), God will show mercy on him (her) by protecting him (her) against you. Some Christians are even sick because of stress of failing to pay their debts and they end up losing their faith in God. By showing mercy, we can save some of them.
My advice:
In closing this teaching, I would like clarify something : If a Christian wants to do business with you, I advise you to clarify from the beginning the terms of the contract of your partnership but if it happened that the business fails while it was you who brought the money, do not ask your brother to pay you back when you know very well that he did not steal your money.
If a brother or sister in the house of God borrows you money to solve a problem and you have the money it takes to help him, give him the amount and tell him that you the bless and it is not a debt. By doing so you open spiritual doors on your way in the future because you reap what you sow (2 Corinthians 9: 6). You would avoid him to run away from you and you would win a brother (sister).
God bless you
Chris Ndikumana