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We all need a GPS from heaven - Part three

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We all need a GPS from heaven (Part 3) 

Today I finish this teaching by specifying that there is a clear difference between a car GPS and the GPS of God. The car GPS requires a complete address before starting the journey while the GPS of God gives you the details along the way. 

I am someone who likes details and this has always been a big issue for me when it comes to obey the Holy Spirit because when God speaks, we are supposed to obey even when we do not understand. As I said in the second part, sometimes God leads us to a destination that we don’t want, and sometimes He does this to try and work on our faith. 

Let's see how God guided Abraham: “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you” (Gen 22: 2). 

Abraham receives a message to go to the mountain to sacrifice (kill) his son Isaac with his own hands while previously God had promised to raise a great people through this same Isaac. God told him the name of the country but He has not even said the name of the mountain because there were many mountains in Moriah. If it was me, I would have had a long talk with God because of the confusion but it is amazing to see in the third verse (Gen 22: 3) how Abraham got up early in the morning, took his donkey with two servants with his son Isaac to walk for three days without any discussion. 

The lesson is that if I want to follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit, I must be willing to go wherever He will tell me without questioning even if it does not please me. I have to give all He will tell me even what is precious to me. When God guides us on a path, it is not only to achieve a place or for any purpose but sometimes it is to work on our character and to strengthen our faith. 

God said to Abraham the final destination after three days of walking, which is not the case with the car GPS as the final destination is known in advance, but with God, we must express our total confidence.
In the 10th verse (Genesis 22: 10), Abraham had his hand and the knife to kill his son, but the angel of God (GPS of God) told him to stop. God only wanted to test his heart and strengthen his faith. If we do not listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, we can easily kill or miss our blessings.

My prayer for you who read all the three parts of this teaching is that God increases your sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit for you to live the spiritual and material blessings that God has planned for you before the creation of the earth.
If you understood the message, certain situations that were conceived as problems will be transformed into blessings for you and nothing will stop you to give thanks in all things.

God bless you 

Chris Ndikumana 


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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