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You are a chosen generation

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 (First part) 

Memory verse (Deut 7:6): “ For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth ”.  

One of the greatest mysteries a believer is supposed to understand is the mystery of divine choice, i.e. knowing that God has chosen you. Paul said something in line with this revelation, am who am by the grace of God. You are who you are by the grace of God i.e. by God’s divine choice. You are not who you are by your education, by your color, by your gender, by your financial status, by your geographical location etc, you are who you are by the grace of God. We did not choose God but God chose us (Jn15: 16). All men are lost and have no capacity of finding God by their efforts, it’s the Lord Jesus who came to seek and find the lost (Lk19; 10).

God found Abraham in the land of the Chaldeans, whose father was a priest of idol worship. He never knew God at all, but God chose Abraham, he called him and blessed him and made a covenant with him. Abraham gave birth to Isaac, Isaac to Jacob, Jacob to the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 tribes of Israel to the nation of Israel. God looked in the entire world and chose only one nation of Israel. After a long time of about 40 years of leading this nation through the wilderness, God made this powerful statement, THE LORD YOUR GOD HAS CHOSEN YOU TO BE A PEOPLE FOR HIMSELF.  Israel has been a unique nation through history, since creation to the time of the death of Christ on the cross no nation or people ever saw the wonders, the miracles, privileges, prosperity, and protection from God like them, it was all because God had chosen them.

In the New Testament, the church is God’s chosen people (1Pet2: 9). To be born again is a product of divine choice (Jn1: 12). We are not born again by the will of the flesh, not by blood but by the will of God. You are a peculiar person, you are a special treasure of God, and you are a holy nation. You belong to God i.e. his possession. He bought you with the blood of his son Jesus Christ. When you go in a supermarket, you don’t just buy anything, you first make a choice of what you want then you pay for it. You were chosen before you were bought. You are God’s property, you are God’s vessel, and you are God’s weapon. You are not the world’s, not the devil’s, not even yourself’s…you are God’s.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ Who chooses you changes your status ”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

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