(First part)
Memory verse (Deut 7:6): “ For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth ”.
One of the greatest mysteries a believer is supposed to understand is the mystery of divine choice, i.e. knowing that God has chosen you. Paul said something in line with this revelation, am who am by the grace of God. You are who you are by the grace of God i.e. by God’s divine choice. You are not who you are by your education, by your color, by your gender, by your financial status, by your geographical location etc, you are who you are by the grace of God. We did not choose God but God chose us (Jn15: 16). All men are lost and have no capacity of finding God by their efforts, it’s the Lord Jesus who came to seek and find the lost (Lk19; 10).
God found Abraham in the land of the Chaldeans, whose father was a priest of idol worship. He never knew God at all, but God chose Abraham, he called him and blessed him and made a covenant with him. Abraham gave birth to Isaac, Isaac to Jacob, Jacob to the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 tribes of Israel to the nation of Israel. God looked in the entire world and chose only one nation of Israel. After a long time of about 40 years of leading this nation through the wilderness, God made this powerful statement, THE LORD YOUR GOD HAS CHOSEN YOU TO BE A PEOPLE FOR HIMSELF. Israel has been a unique nation through history, since creation to the time of the death of Christ on the cross no nation or people ever saw the wonders, the miracles, privileges, prosperity, and protection from God like them, it was all because God had chosen them.
In the New Testament, the church is God’s chosen people (1Pet2: 9). To be born again is a product of divine choice (Jn1: 12). We are not born again by the will of the flesh, not by blood but by the will of God. You are a peculiar person, you are a special treasure of God, and you are a holy nation. You belong to God i.e. his possession. He bought you with the blood of his son Jesus Christ. When you go in a supermarket, you don’t just buy anything, you first make a choice of what you want then you pay for it. You were chosen before you were bought. You are God’s property, you are God’s vessel, and you are God’s weapon. You are not the world’s, not the devil’s, not even yourself’s…you are God’s.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ Who chooses you changes your status ”
(Second part)
Memory verse (1Pet2: 9): " But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light "
Who chooses you determines your status in life. Whose you are determines who you are in life. When you choose a lady and you marry her, her status is changed, even her names are changed. The day you allowed Christ into your life, your status changed that very day. You are a special person just because Christ is in your life. Every one who received and believed in Him, he gave them the power to become the children of God (Jn1: 12). You are a child of God. There in no special thing in the whole of this world than being a child of God, think about it, a child not of the president of the nation, not of General secretary of UN, not of the richest man in the world, not of the most famous man in the world, but the child of the eternal, almighty God, possessor of heaven and earth!!!!!
You are a priest in God’s kingdom. You are a king in God’s kingdom (Rev5: 10). The day the Lord pointed out his finger on you and singled you out of millions, you became different. It does not matter what God makes out of your life, what is important is that he chose you. Whether he makes you a vessel or an instrument for whatever purpose, or a weapon of war in his hand, or a polished arrow in his quiver or any thing, but as long as you are in his hand as a chosen one, then begin to smile because you are special.
It doesn’t matter what society thinks about you or calls you, it doesn’t matter what color or what gender you are or what education standard you have, you are a special person in God’s eye.
The most special thing about you is that you are God’s special choice. As a believer, discover this and you will have peace and joy unspeakable all your lifetime. What makes you special is not what God gives you, not the things of this world, not even what God makes you, only because he has chosen you is special. Paul was a prisoner of Christ and he left a mark in this earth that will never be erased. Jesus never had an office to work in, never had a wife, never built a cathedral but no one has ever shook the world like him , he is the king of kings and Lord of Lords. So, you are special. You are God’s choice person. YOU ARE God’s property. Amen.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ You are God’s property”
(Third part)
Memory verse (1Cor6: 20): " For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s ".
When you go in a storehouse or a supermarket and buy any commodity, after paying the full price for it and your receive a receipt for it, it becomes your property. As long as you have paid for it and hold a receipt for it, it is legally yours; no one in the whole world can claim it. God bought you and me with the precious blood of his son Jesus Christ two thousand years ago (1Pet1: 18-19). Jesus still carries the scars as the receipts to prove that payment was made (Jn20: 27-29). And God’s blood bought saints and they are already sealed with the Holy Spirit (Eph1: 13) and you are set apart for God. You have been transferred from the dominion of darkness and placed into his kingdom (col1: 13).
So you are God’s property. You don’t belong to yourself, you don’t belong to the world, you don’t belong to Satan, and you are God’s own treasure.
With this knowledge my brother and sister, devils can find no claim against you. Paul would confidently ask, who could condemn us? If we are God’s possession then who can be against us? If you are God’s possession then who can possess you? You are God’s temple, then what demon can dispossess God’s Spirit and possess you unless you open yourself to the enemy again.
You just need to stay in the Lord’s hand; Jesus said that if you stay their nothing would take you out of his hand. Stay in God’s house, stay as precious treasure of God. In him we live, move and have our being, (Acts17: 28), stay in him be grounded and rooted in him (Col2: 6), seek him and walk with him, stay connected in him, he is the vine and you’re the branches.
Don’t allow yourself to be stolen from God’s fellowship by the enemy of your soul, don’t allow this world and the lust thereof to seduce you and pull out of fellowship with your father. Don’t let the trials and persecutions that make fun of your salvation to fool you to lose your salvation. You are God’s, so stay God’s forever. Celebrate who you are in God all the time. There is nothing in the world that compare to being God’s own child, possession, and treasure. That’s all you ever needed in life. That is what brings joy, peace and fulfillment. It's not what God gives to you or makes you, it's who you are in God that is everything ! You are special because you are God’s blessing.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ You are God’s precious treasure ”
(Fourth part)
Memory verse (1Pet1: 18-19): " knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot "
The price of a commodity reveals its value. Things in the market place don’t cost the same because they don’t have the same value. Valuable things are costly and worthless things are cheap. God bought you and me from the marketplace of sin not with silver, not with gold or any other price, he bought us with the blood of his sinless, spotless, eternal and holy Son of God. Nothing in heaven, on earth and under the earth compare in value and quality to the blood of the Son God, Jesus Christ.
Temporary things could not buy an eternal commodity, i.e. your soul. Only the eternal blood of JESUS could buy our eternal spirits and book us a place in God’s eternal kingdom. My beloved, you are a valuable person in God’s eyes. You are a valuable being in God’s kingdom. All demons know this, they once had God’s glory and honor but lost it through pride and rebellion that Satan led them into. Don’t take yourself cheap. Never compare your value by the standards of this world. The things of this world do not determine your value, because you are not of this world.
Perhaps people have been calling you all sorts of things. Rejoice my brother and sister, the world does not know who you are. They don’t even know whose you are. The king of Kings walked for 33 years on the earth and He wanted to know whether the world that saw him daily knew who he was, some said he was Elijah, other John the Baptist, while other thought he was simply one of the prophets. They mocked Jesus, they wanted to stone him, they falsely accused him, some said he had demons, others said he was sinful. But these things did not bother Jesus, he went ahead to fulfill his purpose. He knew who he was and he never let anything or anyone to make him cheap. He kept his standard, he kept declaring to all skeptic and critics that he was the Son of God. The whole world might never believe who you are but just go ahead and believe who you are in Christ, celebrate and rejoice in who you are, hallelujah!
Tomorrow’s subject: “ focus on who have chosen you ”
(Fifth part)
Memory verse (Heb12: 2): " Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God ".
If you want some genuine information about a certain product, you have to consult two things: one, the manufacturer’s manual, secondly the manufacturer himself. The time you spend everyday with Jesus in fellowship will help you invaluably in understanding who you are in Christ. That’s why God instructed David to seek his face (Ps27:8). Some people know God’s hand but don’t know or seek God’s face. Those who know God’s hand only, know God’s works and power, healings and provision but they don’t know God. They don’t have continuous daily communion with God. The children of Israel knew God’s miracles but they didn’t know the ways of God. But Moses knew both; he knew God’s works but he was hungry to know God’s face. Once he cried out: “ show me your face “. (Ps103: 7)
Seeking God’s face leads you to knowing God and Daniel said that those who know their God become strong and they do great exploits (Dan 11:32).
If you want to know who you are in God’s eyes, don’t focus on your color, your past, your surroundings, don’t focus on men, on your education... all these are things of this world they can neither determine who you are, nor define your identity and purpose. Focus on your maker.
Only people who spend time with God make impact with their lives. Only those who spend their time in the secret of the most high can release God’s might power through their lives. Only men and women who knew the secret of seeking the face of God left a mark in their generations that have not been removed. When men spend time in God’s presence, they discover their potential and can maximize that potential by prayerfulness. Prayerfulness opens heaven over your life and all limitations, fears and unbelief are completely erased out of their life. Men and women, who pray, are planted by God’s river of life, and they are evergreen and fruitful. My friend, if you have been treating prayer lightly you’d better get serious. If you are not praying, then you are playing. The more we look into God’s eyes, the more we see ourselves through him, Amen.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ your choice determines your potential ”
(Sixth part)
Memory verse (Exod4: 2-3): " So the LORD said to him, What is that in your hand? He said: A rod And He said, Cast it on the ground. So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it "
When God chose you, he decided what to do with your life. Moses like all the shepherds of median had a shepherd’s staff. But when God chose Moses’ staff, it ceased doing what Moses used to with it, it began to do wonders and miracles. Moses performed amazing wonders with that rod in Egypt that no other has ever. There were so many stray bones in the land of the philistines, but when the Spirit of God came upon Samson, he led him to pick the jawbone of an ass; the Lord through Samson killed 1,000 philistines. It was a common bone but when the Lord chose it, it became a supernatural bone. Whatever God chooses becomes uncommon. You are uncommon because God has chosen you and he will use you from today to do uncommon things that will amaze your generation.
Saul was not one of the prophets but when God chose him and anointed him he began to prophesy and every one began to wonder “ is Saul also among the prophets ? ”
Jesus picked up the lunch of a young boy; just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes and Jesus used it to feed thousands of people. Your education, tribes, background, financial status, country cannot limit what you can do in the kingdom, and you are the chosen of God.
When God chose you he had a purpose in his mind. We are not chosen to do what we think we can, or what we know to do or we have seen others doing. We're not chosen to fulfill our dreams and ambitions, we are chosen to fulfill the things that God ordained before the foundations of the world (Ephe2: 10).
All the men who shook their generations were ordinary men, but when God chose them, he used them to do extra common things.
God does not use super beings, worldly heroes, superpowers, genius, world class boxer and giants, in fact he chooses the foolish things, base things, despicable folks that all will know it is not man but God who has chosen them (1Cor1: 26). God has chosen you for wonder, signs and miracles. So be ready to be used by God to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to shake your city with the gospel, to change your community. I see you going forth to fulfill your destiny in God in Jesus name. Blessings chosen ones of God.
Nice weekend!!!!!