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Walking in the spirit

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(First part) 

Memory verse (Gal5: 25) “ If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit ”

From the day we are born again, we start a new journey of living the spiritual life. Someone said that all truth is parallel, i.e. just as when someone is born in the flesh he starts a journey of life. From when the baby is born, the baby begins to learn how to suck, and do things in a new way he didn’t do while in the womb. The baby after a month begins to use his eyes to see, the ears begin to hear. As the baby grow, after 6 months or more begin to sit, go on to crawl, goes further to learn how stand on his legs and later to walk and run. This child grows from sucking mama’s breast, to eating liquid food, then to semi solid foods and later to solid food. Growth takes place in all areas of the person life from bones, brain, understanding, talking, muscles etc. Then the child begins to go school to learn, he/she grows further into youthfulness and finally to maturity where he/she begins to work, reproduce etc.

The spiritual development of every believer is similar. Walking in the Sprit is a process we learn, we go through. It needs practice. It needs learning. It takes time to master different steps and processes. All of us start as spiritual babies from the day we receive Jesus as our personal savior and Lord. That’s where the journey starts. We begin to be sensitive to the voice of God, the touch of God, the feelings of God, the word of God. When you do the things you used to do before, like lying, drinking, walking with certain people… you lose peace, you feel uncomfortable. You go to places you used to go before and you feel bad. You watch certain movies you used to and you don’t feel okay. But when you go to church you feel good, when they preach God’s word you get joy and those words stick in your heart and mind. When you read the Bible, the word get into your heart and begin to touch your life, Christian songs begin to make great meaning and minister to your soul.     The process of spiritual development and growth should continue until we become experienced in walking in the Spirit. There is a spiritual world, just as there’s this physical world we were born into. The Spiritual world is not mystical it’s real. “ While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal ” (2Cor4: 18).

Tomorrow’s subject, “ Walking in the world”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)