Walking in the spirit - Fourth part

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 (Fourth part) 

Memory verse (Eph 5: 18-21) “ And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God ”.

There’s a whole world of difference when our lives are filled with the Holy Spirit. God’s plan of redemption is after washing us by the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ, He would fill us with the Holy Spirit (Acts1: 5). The first gift Jesus sent to his disciples after his ascension was the Holy Spirit, and this still his plan that every new born again son of God would receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts2: 38). Our world changes when God’s Spirit and his power makes an entrance into our lives. He changes the way we speak and what we speak. Those who used to be cursing and murmuring begin to speak to each other in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Our heart that used to be filled with sorrows and heaviness are filled with melodies to our God. Those who used to be criticizing people and God for anything begin to thank God for all things. Our pride is washed away and we begin to submit to each other. Life change when the Holy Spirit makes his abode in our lives.

There’s no life to live on this earth like a life full of God’s Spirit. It’s a life full of joy, peace, hope, power, passion, faith, singing etc. The list is endless. The Holy Spirit in us gives us power over the flesh, over the temptations of this world, the Holy Spirit teaches us all things, the Holy Spirit shows us the things to come good or bad, the Holy Spirit guides us in the way of truth, the Holy Spirit shows us the things God has freely given to us, He gives us wisdom and understanding about all issues of life, He teaches us how to pray, He helps to discover God’s purpose for lives and how to follow it, He reveals Christ to us.

Jesus promised that when goes to heaven and He’s glorified, He’ll cause this river of the Holy Spirit to flow in and through our lives. My brother and sister, it’s time to begin drinking and swimming in this river of life.

Tomorrow’s subject, “ Strengthening your inner man”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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