The mysteries of Eagles - Third part

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(Third part) 

Memory verse: Job 39:27, 29  " Does the eagle mount up at your command, And make its nest on high? From there it spies out the prey; Its eyes observe from afar "

Another wonder about Eagles, is their vision. The Eagle is a creature with the most powerful sight among all creations of God. An Eagle has capacity of viewing an object up to 31 miles away! An Eagle in the air has ability to see a fish beneath the water surface in the sea. With that visual capacity, it can check its enemies, and it can catch the sight of its prey! Eagles see what other birds don’t see, that's why their life is a wonder. The scripture says, where there’s no revelation people cast off restraint. Another version says, where there’s no vision, the people perish

Esau and Jacob chose diverse courses of destinies, because of what each saw. Esau saw his hunger but Jacob saw a destiny. One asked for food and another asked for birthright, inheritance! Revelation is seeing with the inside eyes of your spirit. While, sight is simply seeing with your human physical eyes. Spiritual eyes are the most important commodity we need in life. Paul prayed for these eyes to be enlightened by heavenly light (Eph 1: 15-19) Again Paul taught, these eyes can see what no eyes ( physical eyes) has seen by the Holy Spirit  (I Cor 2:9-10)

God said to Samuel that man sees only the appearance, but God sees the heart. Jesus used to discern what people thought in their hearts. Elisha was a prophet with eagle’s sight, the man could see from Dothan into the chambers of the king in Syria so many miles way. Sapphira and Ananias lied to Peter, but Peter caught them by insight. What you see before your eyes doesn’t matter, but it’s how you see it. One man’s mountain is another’s gold mine. The ten spies Moses sent to the promised land saw themselves as grasshoppers (victims), but Joshua and Caleb saw the giants as bread. What you see as junk another man sees it as jewel. What you’re about to throw away as garbage somebody will pick it up as gold. Some people are struggling in life while others are flying, its all about how you see life. Stop depending on your sight begin to depend on your insight. Change how you see and your life will change. Spend your time sharpening your heart’s eyes and you’ll discover that blessings are all round you.

Tomorrow we will learn about,  " Eagles train Eaglets to fly "


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

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