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How to do the works of God

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 (First part) 

Memory verse (John6: 28) “ Then they said to Him, What shall we do, that we may work the works of God? ”

I believe this is the question in the inner chambers of many believers’ hearts and minds. Many want to see results in their ministries; many want to see their preaching bring impact to people’s lives. Many want to see signs wonders and miracles following their preaching. Many pastors want to see the churches they are shepherding grow. Many have read every kind of book in the libraries about church growth but have not seen the results they anticipated. Many have attended every seminar about how to be a successful minister and leader, but deep down their hearts there is a sense of dissatisfaction. And the question remains unanswered! How can I become effective in my calling, how can I live a fruitful fulfilling life?

Now, am not trying to say that I have the answers and all other materials and seminars you attended are wrong, but I just want to throw some Biblical insight to someone I may not know God is leading me to touch. I pray that you open your spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to cause light to shine in your life. God has whole lot of ways of how to communicate his will to us.

All meaning believers with a hunger for God and who seek to fulfill their purpose for their creation live with these kinds of questions. And this is not strange; it’s the working of the Holy Spirit whom God sent in our live to lead us and guide us to live the life God intended for us. Questions like these: Why did God created me the way he did? What was I created to do? Why am I in this church? Is this all God want me to do? How can I know God’s calling upon my life? How can I fulfill the vision God has given to me? Yes I know God want my life to change but how can I see my life transformed? How can I see God’s power in my life and ministry? I don’t want to spend all my life chasing shadows. I don’t want to be in places I’m not intended to be in. I don’t want to study things I’m not supposed to be studying etc. We all share these issues. Am communicating this message to you my brothers and sisters prayerfully that the Lord may cause you know his will for your life with wisdom and spiritual understanding and that he may strengthen your inner man by his Spirit to fulfill your purpose in life. Amen.

Tomorrow’s subject, “We have to become disciples of Jesus” 


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)