(Fifth part)
Memory verse (Luke24: 49) “ Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”
After Jesus had commanded his disciples to go to the world and make disciples of all nations, he charged them to wait in Jerusalem until they were clothed with power from on high. This is divine equipment. The assignment was given to them and it was clear but they needed the equipment needed to get the work done. That equipment is the power from on high, i.e. God’s divine power or popularly called “ the Anointing of the Holy Spirit”.
Jesus’ ministry and life began to be productive and fruitful when this anointing came upon his life (Luk4: 18-19). His life and ministry touched lives of people, healed multitudes, raised the dead, met peoples’ needs etc. The scripture says: it’s not by power nor by might but by the Holy Spirit (Zech4: 6). God-given assignments are accomplished by God’s anointing.
I heard of a doctor who was in a train that got involved in an accident. Many people were bleeding and badly wounded. The doctor happened not to have been wounded. He began to walk through the victims of the accident before anything could be done to take them to the hospitals. He desired to do anything possible to save some peoples lives, but he said: oh, NO, I wish I had my medical gadgets. Some began to die before his eyes. He had the desire to save their lives, he had the knowledge needed to help but he lacked his medical tools. How many times have we looked helplessly at what the devil is doing to molest and torment humanity? You simply say, oh God, why should such innocent people suffer like that. Diseases kill people before our eyes. We feel bad about it, we know the scriptures and we know the Bible says we can do something to stop Satan’s works, but we are helpless. We are powerless. No anointing. We need the power from on high. We need God’s power. The apostles waited until they received it and they turned the world upside down with that power. It’s time for us to wait for the same anointing from God, so that we may do the works of God. God’s anointing will make your ministry and life significant in your generation. You have to hunger and seek for it day and night until you’ll give the devil a bloody nose. May your life be filled with miracles in Jesus name.
Tomorrow’s subject: “ Prayer and fasting”