Giving glory to the Lord's name

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 (First part)

Memory verse (Gen 11: 4): “And they said: Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth ”.

This week we are going to remind ourselves about the one who is worthy of all glory. It’s going to be a heart-searching message for all of us. We need to examine ourselves, our motives behind all our efforts (2cor13: 5). We need self assessment to find out whether we are still standing in faith, whether we are still building on the right foundation, whether we are doing our will or God’s will, whether we are still walking on the narrow path, whether we are still following the Lord or our understanding.

Self-assessment and heart searching is vital because as humans it’s always possible to slide backwards into the flesh unconsciously (Ps 139: 23- 24). Paul rebuked the Galatian believers for starting in the spirit and ended in the flesh. Many start well and end badly. Paul was led by revelation to take the gospel he taught to the gentiles and present it to the Apostles at Jerusalem to examine it, he pointed out, lest I run and run in vain (Gal2: 1-2). Paul again said that he put his flesh under check lest he be disqualified (1Cor9: 27). Many people in the world are busy building business empires, political dreams, making inventions, running up and down to fulfill their selfish ambitions and the motive is about making themselves a name. Since the fall, man has tried everything possible to make the world a better place and make himself a name, but it has not been possible.

Sadly, even the church has fallen in this temptation of building “Babels” for ourselves, our kingdoms. We are no longer concerned about the will of God but our desires, our dreams, our personal pursuits. Yet Jesus taught us to pray as his disciples, Let your kingdom come and let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matt6: 9). As longer as what you’re doing is contrary to God’s will for your life then you’re building a modern day Babel.

Dear ones, it time we lift our eyes to God from whom our salvation comes.

 (Second part)

Memory verse (Dan4: 30) “ The king spoke, saying: Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty? ”

We have great experiences in doing things our way. But the scripture teaches us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding and in all our ways acknowledge him and he’ll direct our path (Prov3: 5). God expects us to trust him in all things, even with our own lives. Only him can direct us into sweet victories. The scripture teaches us to offer our bodies to the Lord as living sacrifices and get our minds or thinking renewed that we may know the good, acceptable and perfect will of God (Rom12: 1-2) Paul put it this way, that we should not be foolish but understand the will of God. For Paul, ignorance of God’s will for your life is equated to foolishness (Eph5: 17). Lack of knowledge of God’s will is foolishness, because when we walk in our ways, thoughts etc we keep building what will be destroyed. All our efforts outside God’s will are wasted efforts. All works done contrary to God’s will are dead works. The psalmist said: if the Lord does not build the city, the builders labor in Vain. Can you imagine all the resources the people spent on the city and tower of Babel! Can you imagine more than 5million people in America alone who have lost jobs just in one year! Can you imagine empires that men built through the ages and none is standing today!

All we do without God leads to frustration. When God came down to see what the men of Babel where doing, he confused their language and that was the end of their project. Nebuchadnezzar said to him self, look what my power has done and all this is done for my honor. Then God visited him and took away understanding from him and he became insane. Mental institutions are full of men who became insane by their dreams. Suicide rates are escalating in the developed world because of frustrations and unrealized dreams. It’s time we be wise and know that God is God and no man can take his glory. It’s time we know that building our names is a vain investment. It’s time we know that we cannot live without GOD. We cannot succeed without God. God created us to depend on him and to worship him. He created us to live for him.

Tomorrows subject: “Giving Him glory”

 (Third part)

Memory verse (2Cor10: 17-18):  “ But he who glories, let him glory in the LORD. For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends ”.

We have to make God everything in our lives. The scripture says: let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not rich man boast in his riches and let not the wise man boast in his wisdom but let him who boast, boast in this, that He knows God (Jer9: 23-24). God is calling us his children to this place in life where He is all we need and all we have. God should become our treasure. Where the treasure of a man is that where his heart is. We should glory only in him and not in any man or anything and ourselves. God is our strength, He is our joy, He is our wisdom, He is the way for us, He is our creator, He is our protector, and He is our guide.

Am not afraid of the future, He is the alpha and omega. Am not afraid of darkness, He is the light and Jesus said: those who follow him will not walk in darkness but they will walk in the light of life (Jn8: 12). Am not afraid of poverty, He is my provider and He knows all the things I need of, therefore He will supply all my need. Am not afraid of diseases because he is my healer. Am not afraid of failure, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Am not afraid of the things I don’t know, He’s omniscient. Am not afraid of not having the skills and experiences required to do what He calls me to do, He is the ancient of days and His Spirit will teach all truth. Am not afraid of encountering difficult questions, and puzzles of life, He is my wisdom and there’s nothing hidden from His eyes. He knows the secrets in hearts of men. David said: the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want (Ps23: 1). Paul said: to live is Christ and to die for him is a gain. He lived for Christ. We are not ourselves; God has bought us with a price. We are God’s property.

It’s time we stop using God and allow God to use us. We are God’s vessels. A vessel can’t fill itself nor can it use itself. So are we as God’s children. God is calling us to surrender our bodies as living sacrifice to him that he may use it for His own purpose and glory. If we eat we eat for him. If we fast we should fast for him not for ourselves. If we dress we dress for him and his glory. If you are working you should work for him and his glory. If you sleep you should sleep for his glory. Am his, let his will be my will. Let his name be glorified in and through my life.

Tomorrow’s subject: ” He is always with me”

(Fourth part)

Memory verse (Matt28: 20)  “ Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age ”

Knowing the truth of the ever-abiding presence of the Lord with us is key to walk in God’s will all the time. Jesus did not promise to be with the church sometimes but always and until the end of the journey. We need to walk in that awareness of his abiding presence. Our minds need to be renewed to think this way. And our teachings have to change to lineup with God’s word.

Many times, our minds are tempted to think that we meet God in church or prayer room. You know when we are in church, worshipping, praying and doing all other kinds of things that draw God’s manifest presence, people feel the presence of God. So, in our thinking, when we leave the church or prayer place we leave the presence there. Our minds have made God like an idol; we meet him in the church and place of prayer. We commune with him there, we talk with him there, we worship with him there and we leave him there to go to our businesses until the next appointment in the evening. After work and before retiring to our beds, we go into those prayer rooms to find God. This kind of false mentality keeps the believers dry, empty, Stressed, and oppressed by powers of darkness all the daylong.

God manifest in the prayer place and churches not because he was not there before, but that’s when we turn our thoughts to him, and then we talk to him. But he is always with us; it’s us who have our thoughts and senses away from him. Begin to practice, everywhere you are: in bed, work place, in your car or taxi, anytime, just tell him: Lord Jesus I know you are with me I love you……When should you do this? Anytime. Where should you do it? Anywhere? How should you do it? Anyhow. Loud, silent or soft? Depending on the place and atmosphere. He is always there; we were just ignorant of it. So, begin to enjoy the unbroken fellowship with him. But Pastor, what should I tell him? Anything. But why does he follow me everywhere? He wants to guide you, comfort you, help and protect you, fellowship with you, teach you, warn you etc. So begin to share your life with him all the time. Work with him, cook food with him, sleep in his presence, he will give you sweet dreams not nightmares, drive with him………

Tomorrow’s subject: “ We are his vessels”

(Fifth part)

Memory verse (2Tim2: 20-21)  “ But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work ”

One way to give glory to our God is by the way our lives are used. We are vessels in God’s church or kingdom. Whose vessels are we? God’s vessels. Now, when you have vessels in your house you made or you bought, you determine what you use them for, where you keep them and when you use them. You pick a glass to take water at your will. Other glasses or cups or other vessels can’t ask you why you choose the vessels you chose. They are your vessels and you have the sovereignty over them.

So, are we in God’s hand? We need over and over again to surrender our lives, eyes, hands, minds, strength, education, talents, and skills to the Lord to use them, as he will and for his names glory. Some people were destroyed by their own talents, skills etc. Whatever things, gifts, talents, skill etc you don’t give to God will become your idol and it will work to your disadvantage. We need to lay everything God has given to us at his altar. Let God sanctify your talents and gift. Let the Lord purify your life, anoint your skills and use them. Moses’ computer was his rod, God said to Moses give your rod. And Moses rod became God’s. Moses’ rod in God’s hand did miracles. There were so many shepherds that had rods, but there’s no record of them. But Moses rod shall be remembered through all ages.                     

God knows the place for you in the kingdom. He has a room for your gift and talent. God has a platform for you ministry. Let the Lord use your talent; Let Him use your gift, your voice, your money, your house, your marriage and your business. Ask the Lord daily in prayer: What do you want to do with my day? What do you want to do with my life today? What is on your agenda for my life today? Lord, I want you to maximize my life today. Am your vessel. I surrender this vessel to you the owner. Use it for anything you desire and receive the glory for all you’re going to do. Do you know that vessels don’t take any glory? People always say, you have a good car. They don’t say, you car you are good!

Tomorrow’s subject: “Learn to worship him”

(Sixth part)

Memory verse (Matt6: 9) “ In this manner, therefore, pray:  Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name ”

Every believer should understand this for as long as you live and never forget it. God is our creator and we are his creation. He is God and we are men. One of the primary reasons God created us is to worship him. Now, worship is far more than what we see people do in churches on Sunday morning. Worship comes from the revelation of who God is to you. When Isaiah’s eyes were opened and he saw the Lord and began to worship (Is 6: 1-6). When Apostle John on the island of Patmos saw the revelation of the glorified Christ, he fell on his face and worshipped. When men see God for who he is, the immediate response is worship. When man meets with this Elshaddai, almighty, everlasting God, THEY SIMPLY WORSHIP. The ancient of days, the everlasting Father, the AM WHO I AM, who never sin, who never forget, who never change and who never lie revealed himself to men and they worshipped him. Who ever met him and remained the same? Some met him and became speechless. Others met him and became dumb. Moses met him and hunger disappeared for forty days and nights. Daniel met him and lost all strength, he became motionless.

Today’s church should cry for the revelation of this almighty God. Worship services are dry for lack of revelation of who God is. Each believer should have an intimate relationship with God based of the revelation the HOLY SPIRIT GIVES TO US. Worship should be a life style of every believer. Worship to God should flow out of our innermost belly all the time, all day. There’s nothing like a day of worship, but a life of worship. Our spirit eyes should be opened so we can behold the glorious God all the time. Our private devotion time should be very rich with worship moments. Many times we don’t worship God effectively in church services because where many people are, there are also many distractions. You need to build personal, private moments of intense worship to God, and then allow that river to keep flowing all through your day. Get into the Bible and as you open it ask the Holy Spirit to teach you about all the names of God and their meaning. This is the way the Holy Spirit can reveal God to you through his word. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth according to God’s word.

Have a nice worship life this weekend and forever!!!!


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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