(Third part)
Memory verse (2Cor10: 17-18): “ But he who glories, let him glory in the LORD. For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends ”.
We have to make God everything in our lives. The scripture says: let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not rich man boast in his riches and let not the wise man boast in his wisdom but let him who boast, boast in this, that He knows God (Jer9: 23-24). God is calling us his children to this place in life where He is all we need and all we have. God should become our treasure. Where the treasure of a man is that where his heart is. We should glory only in him and not in any man or anything and ourselves. God is our strength, He is our joy, He is our wisdom, He is the way for us, He is our creator, He is our protector, and He is our guide.
Am not afraid of the future, He is the alpha and omega. Am not afraid of darkness, He is the light and Jesus said: those who follow him will not walk in darkness but they will walk in the light of life (Jn8: 12). Am not afraid of poverty, He is my provider and He knows all the things I need of, therefore He will supply all my need. Am not afraid of diseases because he is my healer. Am not afraid of failure, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Am not afraid of the things I don’t know, He’s omniscient. Am not afraid of not having the skills and experiences required to do what He calls me to do, He is the ancient of days and His Spirit will teach all truth. Am not afraid of encountering difficult questions, and puzzles of life, He is my wisdom and there’s nothing hidden from His eyes. He knows the secrets in hearts of men. David said: the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want (Ps23: 1). Paul said: to live is Christ and to die for him is a gain. He lived for Christ. We are not ourselves; God has bought us with a price. We are God’s property.
It’s time we stop using God and allow God to use us. We are God’s vessels. A vessel can’t fill itself nor can it use itself. So are we as God’s children. God is calling us to surrender our bodies as living sacrifice to him that he may use it for His own purpose and glory. If we eat we eat for him. If we fast we should fast for him not for ourselves. If we dress we dress for him and his glory. If you are working you should work for him and his glory. If you sleep you should sleep for his glory. Am his, let his will be my will. Let his name be glorified in and through my life.
Tomorrow’s subject: ” He is always with me”