Treasures of God's house - Third part

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 (Third part) 

Memory verse (Matt 15:3) " He answered and said to them, Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition ?"

Jesus rebuked sharply the Pharisees who were ministers of God under the old testament for exalting the traditions of men and trampling under their feet the word of God. And he noted that when men’s traditions are enthroned in the house of God, they make God’s word powerless and lifeless. Satan had stolen away God’s word from their ministry and instead he gave them traditions of men. People honored and observed traditions. Jesus decided to break their traditions and they attacked him. God’s word lost a place in their ministry, doctrine and lives.

Jesus said: my words are life and they are Spirit. When God’s living word is stolen away from the church and your life, the life of the church is lost (Jn 6: 63). The life of the church comes from the word that comes from the mouth of God (Matt4: 4). In the beginning there was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and all things were created by the word (Jn1: 1-3). The beginning of transformation and revolution will come by the word of God that flows into your spirit. God and his word are inseparable. They are always together and are one. Where God’s presence is, there his word is. God and his word are equal, he is the creator and his word . God ‘s word is the beginning of change, healing, promotion, etc. Scripture says: Faith comes by hearing   and healing by the word of Christ (Rom 10:17). God’s word is fire. God’s word is the sword of the Sprit (Eph6: 18). God’s word is the living bread. God was there in the beginning and it will abide forever.

God commanded Joshua to keep his word in his mouth, keep meditating on it, keep practicing it and he promised that if he does that he will would have good success (Josh1: 8). True kingdom prosperity and success is a product of God’s word in your life. The only sword you have that will smite the enemy of your soul is God’s word in your life (Eph6: 17). Beloved, Satan has stolen from you the mighty weapon, the light, the bread of life, get up and cast out the devil, cast away the traditions and return to the bible, ask the Holy Sprit to begin teaching you again. Put away the fake (traditions) and receive back the real thing.

Tomorrows subject: “ Worship”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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