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Taking back what Satan stole

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 (First part) 

Memory verse (1Samuel 30: 18-19): “ So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything that they had taken from them; David recovered all ”.

Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, (Jn10: 10). That’s his manifesto. He is a thief. In the story above, the Amalekites attacked the camp of David and destroyed the whole city with fire, they stole their cattle, and they took all their children and wives including David’s two wives. I have a message for all those who have fallen victims to Satan’s vices: you are there and Satan has stolen your peace, he has stolen your children, your husband, wife, they are now his captives. They are in wrong places as captives, slaves of alcohol, slaves of drugs, slaves of immorality, slaves of any sin in the enemy’s camp. Has the devil stolen your job, your finances, your business, your wisdom, etc what is that Satan has stolen from you? You will recover them all in Jesus name. Satan has stolen many believers’ prayer life, fasting life, ministries, visions, passion, and faith. He deceived Adam and stole away from him all that God had given to him. He tried to deceive Jesus, he told him: if you worship me I’ll give your all these things of the world… no way, he wanted to steal what Jesus had received in the forty days of fasting.

I have a message for you all dear ones in the Lord Jesus, we can recover all what Satan had stolen from us. Its true Satan came to steal but Jesus came to give us everything Satan had stolen from us. David came to Ziklag and found the whole city burnt down and their children, wives and wealth taken away by the enemy. David and his mighty men of war cried until they had no more strength to cry. But David strengthened himself in the Lord and sought the face of God and God told him pursue them. God promised to give them into his hands. David rose up, stopped crying, went with his army and attacked the enemy’s camp, defeated the enemy and took back everything that he had stolen. May be you are there, you have cried for years, you have despaired, you have given up, you’re disappointed, my brother and sister get up whip away the tears and get on your knees and begin to seek God. God has a plan to restore to you all that Satan had stolen from, your children, wife, husband, prayer life etc.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ Stop weeping, start praying ”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)