Taking back what Satan stole - Third part

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 (Third part) 

Memory verse (Psalms 30: 9) “ So David went, he and the six hundred men who were with him, and came to the Brook Besor, where those stayed who were left behind ”. 

David and his team of six hundred men had lost everything, their wives, children, wealth etc and they recovered all they had lost (1Sam30: 8). They recovered all that the enemy had stolen because they were in the right camp. God was with this camp. They were under a man God had anointed.

Divine recovery is a product of divine location. The Bible is full of men and women who changed their location by the leading of God and their status changed. When Abraham went where God commanded him to go, blessings began to flow. All the men that walked with God saw blessing flooding their lives without measure. The key to divine restoration is walking with God. Moses told God: unless you go with us, we are not going anywhere. Going where God is not, is heading calamities and fruitless pursuits. But when God is with you all things will be possible.

All these men that followed David were under the leadership of king Saul before but somehow they felt the leading of God to move away from Saul’s camp and follow David the man God had anointed. Many people and believers keep losing and losing because of being in the wrong place where God is not. God opened the eyes of Jonathan and he knew which leader he was to follow. He knew that he was not to be the next king but David. He knew he was supposed to work in David’s government, but failed to move away from his father’s camp. He did not make the right decision to move away in time and he died in the wrong camp and lost his life and promotion (1Sam18: 1-4), (1Sam23: 16-18).

There is a place God wants you to be. It’s not enough to know the right things like Jonathan, you have to take the right steps and do the right things to see recovery in your life, family and ministry. Some believers fear what others would think about them, to some it’s their tradition, to others it’s their religion, others their position and pride. Naaman almost missed his deliverance because of pride. Don’t miss your divine intervention; there is a place God wants you to be. There’s a church God wants you to be in. Be in a camp where God’s presence is and you’ll experience the restoration of all things.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ Follow a right leader ”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

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