Taking back what Satan stole - Fourth part

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 (Fourth part) 

Memory verse (1Sam30: 17-18) “ Then David attacked them from twilight until the evening of the next day. Not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men who rode on camels and fled. So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives ”. 

Someone said everything rises and falls on leadership. Leaders cause good things to happen and it’s leaders who break all good things that have been built. King Saul was also a leader but he disobeyed God and God took away his anointing from him. When the Spirit of God left him, he lost the leadership capacity and the nation began to disintegrate. In God’s kingdom, spiritual leadership is about whom God has chosen and anointed. We have to be led by leaders who are led by the Holy Spirit if we are going see recovery in our lives (Rom8: 14).

David was a Man God had chosen and anointed (1Sam16: 11-13). From the time God anointed David he received the divine mandate and authority to lead God’s people. People began following him. Those who were in problems could see their answers in David (1Sam22: 1-2). Through the years, soldiers kept leaving Saul and joining David. Even when David was not yet a king, people could see a leader in him (2Sam5: 1-4). Who you follow will determine how your life will be. Those who followed David recovered everything they had lost. Leaders affect our lives so much. Without leadership our lives end in chaos, with bad leadership our lives end in misery and with right leadership our lives rise beyond the skies. You will rise or you will fall because of the leader you follow (Pro13: 20).

One of the greatest choices you can ever make in life is to choose your spiritual leader. King Saul began by following Samuel as his spiritual leader but ended miserably by following a witch in En Dor (1Sam28: 3-19). Some people‘s spiritual leaders are Satanists, while others are following blind spiritual leaders like the Pharisees of Jesus’ days. Who are you following? You can never go beyond the leader you follow (Lk6: 40). Peter became a great man by following Jesus, Timothy became a mighty leader by following Paul, Joshua became a great man by following Moses, Elisha became a great prophet by following Elijah, who are you following? Think about your destiny and eternity and make the right choice of your leader.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ Be a fighter ” 


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

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