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Secrets of sowing and reaping

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(First part)

Memory verse: (Gen8:22) “ While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease ”

Kingdom success is a product of revelation of kingdom mysteries. There are ways, systems of how things work in every nation, companies, cultures etc. Also the kingdom of God has ways and systems of how thing are done. Scriptures says God revealed his ways to Moses (Ps 103:7). One of the mysteries of the kingdom of God is that of sowing and reaping or seedtime and harvest time. This secret goes like this ‘what you sow is what reap’ (Gal6:7). Seed is anything God has given you that will help to change your life or situation. Seed is what God has given you to give you what you need. What you have has power to give you what you don’t have. When you give what you have it will give you what you need.

The abilities God has given you are seeds, the talents, the wisdom, the knowledge, the gifts, the love, the encouragement, the smiles, the finances, the energy, etc, the list of seeds in our lives are endless. This law of giving and receiving is the most powerful law God set in place to sustain his creation on earth. And God said as long as the earth remains this law will continue to work and control life on earth. God’s wisdom behind creation says, we give to live and we live to give. Plants give oxygen and animals and men take in the oxygen. The man and other creatures give out carbon dioxide and plants take it in for their life. When you start to give, you step into the cycle of flow of life. You don’t give to get, neither do you live to get. In fact giving saves lives, God loved the world and what he gave (His Son) saved the world. What you have may not save your life but God might have given it to you to save someone’s life. What God has given us is for the purpose of helping or profiting others (1Cor12:7). What you have will connect you to what you need. Whenever God wants to solve your need he will look at what you have. Elisha asked the widow who came to him with a problem: “what do you have? ” What you have is the key to what you are lacking. She only used what she had and her need was met. Men and women came to Jesus and they needed healing and Jesus told them: “ your faith has healed ”. What is your seed? What do you have? What is it that God has given to create your future? Your future lies in what you have.

Tomorrows word: ‘Everyone has a seed’


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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