Secrets of sowing and reaping - Sixth part

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(Sixth part) 

Memory verse: (Gen4:3-4) “ And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the LORD. Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the LORD respected Abel and his offering ”

The quality of the seed determines the quality of the harvest. Farmers always select the choice seed for next planting season. Abel brought his seed, sacrifice or offering to the Lord. He did not just pick anything that came before his eyes, he chose of the first-born and fat one, this talks of quality. God demands the first fruits. In farming, the first crops are always the best and the last crops in the garden are always the poorest. God deserves the first place in our time, our relationship, our homes, our finances, our ministries, our programs, and our dreams. One man asked Jesus the first commandment and Jesus told him: You shall love the Lord with all your heart, your mind and your strength. This is a measure of quality (Mt22:36-37).

Jesus taught his disciples that they should seek first the kingdom of God and then all other things will follow (Mtt6:33). God’s kingdom should come first in all we plan to do. Jesus taught his disciples that if any man is not ready to leave all and follow him he couldn’t be his disciple. We don’t give God any service we want but the service he deserves. He taught about the parable of the man who gave talents to men to go and trade with them, those who did well, he appreciated them saying, well done good and faithful servants (Matt25:14-33). God is after quality service i.e. faithfulness, commitment, diligence, fervency, wholeheartedness etc. The quality of your work, your service, and your ministry will determine your rewards. The difference between those who are fired and those who are promoted is the way they work (Ps75:6).

Nobody was created to be poor, only the way you use what you have determine your destiny. Some people decide to be lazy and become poor while other decide to be diligent and sit with kings (Pr22:29). All people seem to be busy everywhere but what make the difference is not the busyness but how you do it. What time do you give to God in prayer? Do you give Him the last time of the day when you are tired? What place does God have in your money? Your giving determines the place you give God in your finances. How much time do you give to God’s word? If you change today and add quality in all you do, your destiny is going to change. Begin to sow your seeds and your future will not be cut off.

Nice weekend!


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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