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Do you have the helper

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 (First part)

Memory verse (John14: 16): And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.

We have a loving God who has not left us helpless. New testament believers are blessed with a divine helper that the Father sent us through Jesus Christ. This word helper in the above verse in Greek is parakletos and it means a comforter, an intercessor one who stands by your side.

Blessed be God who have not left us helpless and hopeless. This helper is the Holy Spirit. Jesus called Him, another helper. This means he is another like him. He is a helper who is able to fill up the place of Jesus in case he was away. In this journey of faith, we need a helper, to guide us, to teach us, to help us, to comfort us, to intercede for us, to strengthen us, to show us the way, to help know the things in the Fathers heart.

Who else can lead us if it’s not the Holy Spirit? Do you want to know the truth? He is the Spirit of truth that descended from the Father. Do you want to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God? He is the one who searches all things, yes, even the deeper things of God. Do you want to know the will of God? He is the one who knows the things in the heart of God. Do you want to be successful in your prayer life? The Holy Spirit will help you.

All of us need constant help all the time in every area of our lives. We need help in the way we deal with our finances, we need help in our families in the way we raise our children, we need the help in how we build our marriages, in how we lead and manage the ministries the Lord has entrusted us with, we need help to study and make God’s word our lifestyles. We need help to discover our callings, gifts and purposes of God upon our life. Brother, sister I know why you are sad, I know why you are frustrated, it’s not because you don’t love the Lord, It’s not because you’re not born again, it’s because of many struggles that are going on in your life for which you don’t have answers, it’s because of those questions in your life for which you don’t have any solution, you look ahead and you don’t see a way through. Good news: there is a helper just near or in you. Jesus said he is with you. To many the helper is in their lives but they are seeking him out there in any place, they are missing him. Others don’t even know he is with them. He is with you, just let him in your life. You are not a spiritual orphan, your Father sent you a comforter in his place, the Holy Spirit.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ That helper is the Holy Spirit ”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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