Do you have the helper

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 (First part)

Memory verse (John14: 16): And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.

We have a loving God who has not left us helpless. New testament believers are blessed with a divine helper that the Father sent us through Jesus Christ. This word helper in the above verse in Greek is parakletos and it means a comforter, an intercessor one who stands by your side.

Blessed be God who have not left us helpless and hopeless. This helper is the Holy Spirit. Jesus called Him, another helper. This means he is another like him. He is a helper who is able to fill up the place of Jesus in case he was away. In this journey of faith, we need a helper, to guide us, to teach us, to help us, to comfort us, to intercede for us, to strengthen us, to show us the way, to help know the things in the Fathers heart.

Who else can lead us if it’s not the Holy Spirit? Do you want to know the truth? He is the Spirit of truth that descended from the Father. Do you want to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God? He is the one who searches all things, yes, even the deeper things of God. Do you want to know the will of God? He is the one who knows the things in the heart of God. Do you want to be successful in your prayer life? The Holy Spirit will help you.

All of us need constant help all the time in every area of our lives. We need help in the way we deal with our finances, we need help in our families in the way we raise our children, we need the help in how we build our marriages, in how we lead and manage the ministries the Lord has entrusted us with, we need help to study and make God’s word our lifestyles. We need help to discover our callings, gifts and purposes of God upon our life. Brother, sister I know why you are sad, I know why you are frustrated, it’s not because you don’t love the Lord, It’s not because you’re not born again, it’s because of many struggles that are going on in your life for which you don’t have answers, it’s because of those questions in your life for which you don’t have any solution, you look ahead and you don’t see a way through. Good news: there is a helper just near or in you. Jesus said he is with you. To many the helper is in their lives but they are seeking him out there in any place, they are missing him. Others don’t even know he is with them. He is with you, just let him in your life. You are not a spiritual orphan, your Father sent you a comforter in his place, the Holy Spirit.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ That helper is the Holy Spirit ”

 (Second part)

Memory verse (Jn 14:16-17): " And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you ".

Many God’s children seek help where it is not. We seek last what God commanded us to seek first. Many are running to wrong sources. Many are seated at dry wells, many have built themselves dry cisterns and they have forsaken the fountain of living waters. How many have trusted helpless men for solutions. Jesus told his disciples that God was not going to leave them as orphans, i.e. hopeless and helpless. There is help for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ and that help is the Holy Spirit from God.

The Holy Spirit is the help you need because He is the Spirit of truth. He searches all things even the deeper things in the heart of God. He is the true helper because he knows the things you need to know, he knows the things to come, so you can trust him to guide you into your God ordained future. He is the help you need because he’s the one who can give you true comfort when you can’t find it anywhere else. He is the true help you need because he is the one who can strengthen your inner man with mighty power. He is the help you need because he is the one who can help you to overcome the works of the flesh that always steal you peace and joy.

Man’s help is limited but the Holy Spirit is unlimited. There are things that are impossible with men but there is nothing impossible with the Holy Spirit. Man is limited in his potency, but the Holy Spirit is omnipotent. Man’s knowledge is limited but the Holy Spirit is omniscience. Man’s presence is limited but the Holy Spirit is omnipresent. Some men are willing to help you but they’re not able while others are able to help you but sadly they are not willing but I have news the Holy Spirit is both willing and able.

Jesus left the church in the hands of the Holy Spirit, to guide it, to lead the church, to correct the church, to equip the church, to strengthen the church. So lean on him and your life will be different. Begin to trust him for everything and you won’t be disappointed. Learn to fellowship with him all the time and you won’t miss out on his help.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ The helper lives in you ”

 (Third part)

Memory verse (Jn 14:17): " The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you ".

One great thing the believer needs to discover is the dwelling place of the helper. Many believers don’t relate to the helper they have because they don’t know that he lives in them. Many look for different things out there, they are looking for an experience, a voice on the mountain, an appearance of a man shining like the sun, an Angel, they keep themselves in prayer rooms and their minds wonder around waiting for external invasion of something, for unusual manifestation, well the Holy Spirit can give us many experiences, manifestations, visions, etc but the Holy spirit is not any of those things you may be seeking. He is not out there on the mountain, the cloud etc. The Holy Spirit IS IN YOU.

The day you accepted Christ into your life, the Holy Spirit, made a glorious entry into your life and He will be in you forever (Jn14: 16-17). He is always there in your inner man, i.e. his temple (1Cor3: 16). He is there whether you feel him or not, whether you know it or not, LOOK AT THESE SCRIPTURES AND LET THE HOLY SPIRIT OPEN the eyes of your spirit and get the revelation. ..That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love… (Eph3: 17). This scripture shows that Christ dwells in our hearts. Paul taught about the mystery of the church as CHRIST IN US THE HOPE OF GLORY (COL1; 27). What a wonder! What a mystery! Christ, the glory of God is dwelling in you a believer! You are the temple of God, THE HOLY SPIRIT DWELLS IN YOU (1COR3: 16). Can you imagine all the experiences, the fire, the glory, the power, the Lord, are just inside your spirit!

Let me announce to you this good news that will revolutionalise your life, since you got born again, the Holy Spirit has been in your heart and he has never left you until today. He is there and was sent by God through Christ to be your helper and be with you until the end of your journey on the earth. I have been walking with the Lord Jesus for 22 years now and you know? What the Holy Spirit has been in my life all these years, day and night, summer and winter, on rainy days or sunny days, whether I sensed him or not he has always been there and he will be there to help me till my journey on earth is over.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ Follow your heart not your head ”

 (Fourth part)

Memory verse (Prov20: 27): " The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the inner depths of his heart ".

Rejoice my brother! Rejoice my sister, there is a helper. Begin to look to him for help concerning every area of your life. Start looking deep in your heart for his help, his guidance, and his love, his strengthening. Learn to follow your heart instead of your head. Your head has a part to play in your life but not the leading role. The one who leads you is your spirit as the Holy Spirit also leads him. The Bible teaches us to trust the Lord with all our hearts, spirits, not our heads, it teaches us not to lean or depend on our understanding, on what we know or think i.e. our head (Prov3: 5).

Again the scripture teaches us that those who are led of the Spirit are the children of God (Rom8: 14).

There is one major way how God leads his children, i.e. by your spirit. The above verse says, the spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord. Your spirit is God’s lamp. When you are born and God fills you with his Spirit and fire, God’s lamp is ignited. God calls your spirit light; you are the light (Mtt5; 14). God’s Spirit always commune with your spirit (1Cor6: 17). Somewhere again it is written that there is a spirit in man and the breath or Spirit of the almighty gives him understanding (Job32: 8).

God and heaven communes and communicates with you through your spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES, TEACHES, WARNS, LEADS, INFORMS, EMPOWERS YOU, ANOINTS, CHANGES, SANCTIFIES YOU FROM WITHIN. If you want to hear God’s voice just listen to your heart.

Many dear children of God listen to their heads and don’t know how to listen to their spirits. Our heads are full of informations we have been collecting from this world for many years through the things we have heard, read, seen, tasted etc...these informations determine what we think. Our minds are ever active, thinking, reasoning and many times these reasoning makes a lot of noises and we think that we are listening to God yet it’s our minds that are making a lot of noise. Learn to have good times of praying at silent hours of the day, have good time of worship, train yourself to listen to good spiritual meditative worship music, pray and worship, worship and pray. Take long time in prayer. Make prayer and worship your daily practice until they become your character then you’ll begin sense the Holy Spirit and His voice and leadings.

Tomorrow’s subject: “Strengthening your spirit man”

(Fifth part)

Memory verse (Jude1: 20) " But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit "

Pray in the spirit longer (1Cor14: 14). Praying in the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit giving utterance to your spirit (Acts2: 4). That utterance is a spiritual language, it is either the tongues of men or angels (1Cor13: 1). As your spirit receives this language unknown to you, and you begin to pray or speak it, you are building up your spirit man. When you pray in the unknown tongue or language, it's not your outward man praying but your spirit man. When you are praying in unknown tongues, it's your spirit praying and you are now praying in the Holy Spirit.

Praying in tongues edifies your spirit (1Cor14: 4). To edify and to build means the same thing. It means to strengthen. Your spirit man becomes stronger and mature through praying in tongues. When you want to build your mind and make it stronger and sharp, you read and learn more. Athletes spend a lot of time building up their bodies through many physical exercises and their bodies become fit and very strong. My brother and sister, the major way to become spiritually strong, smart, sensitive and powerful is by praying in tongues. Pray in tongues on a daily basis, pray in tongues for long time, and pray in tongues many times a day. Pray in tongues and sing in tongues (1Cor14: 15). One of the major ways God strengthens your spirit is by the Holy Spirit (Eph3: 16). The stronger and mature your spirit man becomes the more sensitive he will become. Your spirit will begin to sense God’s voice easily. There will be a distinct line between your mind and the your spirit. Your spirit will get so lost in the Holy Spirit that knowing his voice will become natural to him. Your spirit will become mature and know how to discern the voice of the mind and the voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart.

When you read the bible you will begin to get spiritual interpretations not mental interpretations. You will get revelations not mental ideas or imaginations. You will stop walking by imaginations and begin to walk by revelations. Your meditation moments will become rich because now you no longer listen to your thoughts, imaginations, or your mind but you are listening to the Holy Spirit in your heart. Your life will become different because you will begin to live following the leading of the Holy Spirit. You’ll get the right help in your life from the true helper.

Tomorrow’s subject: “A major turn around in your life”

 (Sixth part)

Memory verse (Rom8: 26): " Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered ".

God sent the Holy Spirit to help us in our weaknesses. Humanity without spirituality is helpless. All humans are weak.  When God saved us from sin, he sent his Spirit to come into our lives to help us walk the Holy Life that God intended for us. It’s time my brother and my sister to surrender the reigns of your life to the Holy Spirit. Your education, your wisdom, your religion, your money etc cannot lead your true destiny and eternity. Let the Holy Spirit helps you to become the best wife, husband, pastor, mother and father, child, employee and employer, leader that God wants you to be. Stop working alone, begin to work with the Holy Spirit. Stop following men, begin following the Holy Spirit. Stop following your head, begin following the Holy Spirit. Have time with him daily in prayer and ask him for the plan, direction, strength and grace for each day.

This week on Monday, there is something we disagreed on with my wife; We went to bed both quiet. The whole day of Tuesday we could talk and try to laugh, we had an evening out together visiting a believer, we hold hands but deep down there was something hurting in our hearts. We went to bed and the Holy Spirit waked me up to pray at an unusual time of 1:00am. When I began to pray, I sensed the Holy Spirit leading me to pray about settling the problem we had on Monday. I prayed and prayed. I prayed in English and prayed in tongues for long time. After prayer I went back to bed, but when I woke up in the morning my heart was hurting. I thought and thought of what to do to overcome that problem that was threatening our relationship and ministry. The more I thought the more I became hurting and confused. Then suddenly I discovered I was listening to the thought of my head to get the solution, I turned off my mind and tuned in to my spirit and in less than five minutes the answer came. I called my wife suddenly and I told her I had good news for her and after ten minutes it was all over. Peace and joy returned. Today is your day to start following the HOLY SPIRIT FOR HELP AND YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. NICE WEEKEND


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

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