Do you have the helper - Fourth part

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 (Fourth part)

Memory verse (Prov20: 27): " The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the inner depths of his heart ".

Rejoice my brother! Rejoice my sister, there is a helper. Begin to look to him for help concerning every area of your life. Start looking deep in your heart for his help, his guidance, and his love, his strengthening. Learn to follow your heart instead of your head. Your head has a part to play in your life but not the leading role. The one who leads you is your spirit as the Holy Spirit also leads him. The Bible teaches us to trust the Lord with all our hearts, spirits, not our heads, it teaches us not to lean or depend on our understanding, on what we know or think i.e. our head (Prov3: 5).

Again the scripture teaches us that those who are led of the Spirit are the children of God (Rom8: 14).

There is one major way how God leads his children, i.e. by your spirit. The above verse says, the spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord. Your spirit is God’s lamp. When you are born and God fills you with his Spirit and fire, God’s lamp is ignited. God calls your spirit light; you are the light (Mtt5; 14). God’s Spirit always commune with your spirit (1Cor6: 17). Somewhere again it is written that there is a spirit in man and the breath or Spirit of the almighty gives him understanding (Job32: 8).

God and heaven communes and communicates with you through your spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT GUIDES, TEACHES, WARNS, LEADS, INFORMS, EMPOWERS YOU, ANOINTS, CHANGES, SANCTIFIES YOU FROM WITHIN. If you want to hear God’s voice just listen to your heart.

Many dear children of God listen to their heads and don’t know how to listen to their spirits. Our heads are full of informations we have been collecting from this world for many years through the things we have heard, read, seen, tasted etc...these informations determine what we think. Our minds are ever active, thinking, reasoning and many times these reasoning makes a lot of noises and we think that we are listening to God yet it’s our minds that are making a lot of noise. Learn to have good times of praying at silent hours of the day, have good time of worship, train yourself to listen to good spiritual meditative worship music, pray and worship, worship and pray. Take long time in prayer. Make prayer and worship your daily practice until they become your character then you’ll begin sense the Holy Spirit and His voice and leadings.

Tomorrow’s subject: “Strengthening your spirit man”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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