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Fear nothing, focus on God

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 (First part)

Memory verse (Psalms 23: 4): “ Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me ”

Fear is the greatest spiritual epidemic that has ever plagued men and women of all races through all generations. Like any other physical sicknesses, fear cripples the spiritual life of every believer. Fear paralyses your progress, fear cuts down your productivity, and fear limits your fruitfulness. Fear is not from God, it’s a spirit from the devil (2Tim1: 7). The Holy Spirit that God has given us does not cause any fear, he is not the spirit of fear. The Spirit of God when he is poured out upon us, he produces courage, boldness, love, power, and wisdom. Whenever fear comes then you know that it is not coming from the Spirit of God, but from the enemy. God’s Spirit generates faith in our lives and when faith comes then all things begin to become possible.

Whatever you try to do, the spirit of fear comes and begin to ask you how will you do it: “do you have what it takes to do it, what if you fail? ”. You want to do business and the spirit of fear comes: “ where will you get the money, many people have failed in business will you make it? ” You want to marry; this spirit asks you how you will get the money? “ It’s only the rich who can make the wedding ”. God calls you for ministry and this spirit begin to bring fear in your heart: “ you are not able to be a minister, see you don’t know how to speak, you are not a good leader, you don’t have money ”. You get a husband and Satan begins to bring fear to you, “ men are not trustable, what if he goes with other women, your marriage will not stand ”. And when you get children, he comes over and over again asking you: “ will your children grow? ” No they will die. When they grow he comes again: “ your children will be spoiled ”. And all other kinds of lies that cause you fear.                                                                         

May the Lord open your eyes to see beyond your situations and begin to see God’s plans for your life. Fear comes from the devil and faith comes from God. The voice of Satan produces fear but the voice of God brings faith. God gives us assurance but Satan gives us doubt. Faith comes by hearing the words that proceeds from the mouth of God; the scripture says our life is dependent on those words. Life begins to break apart when you begin to listen to the words that come out of the mouth of the devil. So, fear not.

Tomorrow’s subject: “ God is a mountain mover ”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

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