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 (First part)

Memory verse (Isaiah 66:8) “ Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, She gave birth to her children ”

God has a plan for your life (Jer29: 11). You do not simply exist. There was something that God had on his heart concerning your life even before you were born (Jer1: 5). God designed us fit for our purposes and in fact the reason you were created and born is to fulfill your God ordained plans. It’s amazing, when a baby girl is born, she is born with everything within her body that will make her a mother one day. She is born with a womb inside her, ovaries and ovum etc. Hundreds of children are in her in seed form. All her infant year of growth she carries hundreds of other children within her in seed form until the time of maturity when she gets married and the seeds inside get fertilized and she conceives and she is pregnant and finally after 9 months she gives birth to a child. She can have as many children as she chooses; birthing and birthing and birthing!!!

The Angel said to Mary the mother of Jesus, the Holy Spirit would come upon her and God’s power would overshadow her and then Jesus would be conceived in her womb (paraphrased), (Luke 1:35). When we are born again as children of God, God’s Spirit come upon our lives and there are spiritual activities that begin to take place in our lives. God begins to put dreams inside our spirits, dreams that defines our purpose for creation (Ephes2: 10). God created different people differently for different purposes. And as we walk with God, he begins to plant in our spirit wombs different visions, burden, dreams, ideas etc. Perhaps you have been there and you are confused as a child of God, your life seems empty and worthless, you feel as if you are barren in the spirit, you are not productive and fruitless in your life. Nothing tangible seems to come out of your life. For many years as believer I lived like this. All my efforts seemed fruitless, my preaching brought no results, and my prayers seemed to produce no answers. I was frustrated for many years until the Lord began to speak to me through (Is 54: 1-4). This has been my personal word for many years and I would like to encourage you. Your God is your husband, he will put seeds in your spirit womb, man or woman and you’ll begin birth your dreams, ministries, businesses etc, (Is54: 5).

Tomorrow’s subject: “Conception of divine dreams”


Ikiganiro Ishimwe

Radio Ivyizigiro FM 90.9 - 104.8

Kuwa Gatatu Isaha imwe (19h)

Kuwa Gatanu Isaha Indwi n'igice (13h30)